Class Template filter



The class templates filter, wfilter, multichar_filter, multichar_wfilter and their specializations are provided by the Iostreams library for use as base classes for user-defined Filters. These base classes supply the member types char_type and category used internally by the Iostreams library to classify filters.

The supplied category member is convertible to closable_tag and to localizable_tag. This allows users to define models of the concepts Closable and Localizable simply by providing definitions of member functions close and imbue.





namespace boost{ namespace iostreams {

template<typename Mode, typename Ch = char>
struct filter;

template<typename Mode, typename Ch = wchar_t>
struct wfilter : filter<Mode, Ch> { };

typedef filter<input>      input_filter;
typedef wfilter<input>     input_wfilter;
typedef filter<output>     output_filter;
typedef wfilter<output>    output_wfilter;
typedef filter<seekable>   seekable_filter;
typedef wfilter<seekable>  seekable_wfilter;
typedef filter<dual_use>   dual_use_filter;
typedef wfilter<dual_use>  dual_use_wfilter;

template<typename Mode, typename Ch = char>
struct multichar_filter : filter<Mode, Ch> {
    typedef see below  category;

template<typename Mode, typename Ch = wchar_t>
struct multichar_wfilter : multichar_filter<Mode, Ch> { };

typedef multichar_filter<input>     multichar_input_filter;
typedef multichar_filter<input>     multichar_input_wfilter;
typedef multichar_filter<output>    multichar_output_filter;
typedef multichar_filter<output>    multichar_output_wfilter;
typedef multichar_filter<dual_use>  multichar_dual_use_filter;
typedef multichar_filter<dual_use>  multichar_dual_use_wfilter;

template<typename Mode, typename Ch = char>
struct filter {
    typedef Ch         char_type;
    typedef see below  category;

    template<typename Device>
    void close(Device&);

    template<typename Device>
    void close(Device&, std::ios_base::openmode);

    void imbue(const std::locale&);

} } // End namespace boost::io

Class Template filter


Convenience base class for defining Filters

Template parameters

Mode- A mode tag.
Ch- The character type


    typedef see below category;

A category tag convertible to Mode, filter_tag, closable_tag and localizable_tag.


    template<typename Device>
    void close(Device&);

    template<typename Device>
    void close(Device&, std::ios_base::openmode);

Both overloads are implemented as no-ops. The second is available only if Mode is convertible to bidirectional. The first is available only if Mode is not convertible to bidirectional.

Required by Closable.


    void imbue(const std::locale&);

Implemented as a no-op. Required by Localizable.

Class Template multichar_filter


Convenience base class for defining Multi-Character Filters. Derived class of filter whose member type category is convertible to the template parameter Mode and to multichar_filter_tag, closable_tag and localizable_tag.

Template parameters

Mode- A mode tag.
Ch- The character type