Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards


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 / Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
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[section:exception_correctness Exception correctness]

Any unexpected/uncaught exception raised in the test case body will be intercepted by the Boost.test
framework and will result in the termination of the test-case with the status `failed`.

[bt_example exception_uncaught..Uncaught]

More control over the exception correctness is often required, for instance to test that
an expression is raising a specific exception, intentionally.

The __UTF__ provides several assertions for testing a code with respect to the exceptions correctness.
The following assertions are available:

* __BOOST_LEVEL_NO_THROW__ checks that no exception is raised from an expression,
* __BOOST_LEVEL_THROW__ checks that an expression raises an exception of a specific type
* __BOOST_LEVEL_EXCEPTION__ checks that an expression raises an exception of a specific type,
  a passes the exception instance to a predicate function for further validation (introspection
  for instance)

The following example demonstrate how to use these tools to test the correct behavior of the API
of `FileWordHistogram`, in the constructor and the preconditions of the member function.

[bt_example exception_api..Exception correctness of an]

[note An `assert(...)` might call `abort()`: the use of the macros above may not be
      suitable for testing for `assert`'s in a portable manner. ]

[h4 Bibliographic references]

[variablelist Publications
      Exceptions and Error Handling]]
    [Standard C++ Foundation]
