#~ Copyright 2003, Rene Rivera.
#~ Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
#~ Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
#~ LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
if --help in $(ARGV)
bjam [options] [install|stage]
* install Installs to the configured location(s).
* stage Stages the build products only to common stage location.
--help This message.
-sTOOLS=<toolsets> Indicates the tools to build with.
--prefix=PREFIX Install architecture independent files here.
Default; C:\\Boost on Win32
Default; /usr/local on Unix. Linux, etc.
--exec-prefix=EPREFIX Install architecture dependent files here.
Default; PREFIX
--libdir=DIR Install libraries here.
Default; EPREFIX/lib
--includedir=DIR Install source headers here.
Default; PREFIX/include
--builddir=DIR Build in this location instead of building
within the distribution tree. Recomended!
--stagedir=DIR When staging only, stage to the location.
Default; ./stage
--without-<library> Do not build, stage, or install the specified
<library>. By default all libraries attempt to build.
Build Boost.Python libraries with the Python
devel packages located at PYTHON_ROOT.
Default PYTHON_ROOT; C:\\tools\\python on Win32.
Default PYTHON_ROOT; /usr/local on Unix, Linux, etc.
Default PYTHON_ROOT; /usr on Cygwin.
--with-pydebug Build Boost.Python libraries using the
Python debug runtime.
" ;
EXIT "" ;
local with-install = ;
local with-stage = ;
# build only, or build+install
if install in $(ARGV)
with-install = install ;
with-stage = ;
# stage only? (no install, only build and stage to a common dir)
if stage in $(ARGV)
with-stage = stage ;
with-install = ;
# possible stage only location
local stage-locate = [ MATCH "^--stagedir=(.*)" : $(ARGV) ] ;
stage-locate ?= stage ;
# architecture independent files
local boost-locate = [ unless $(with-stage) : [ MATCH "^--prefix=(.*)" : $(ARGV) ] : $(stage-locate) ] ;
if $(NT) { boost-locate ?= C:\\Boost ; }
else if $(UNIX) { boost-locate ?= /usr/local ; }
# architecture dependent files
local exec-locate = [ MATCH "^--exec-prefix=(.*)" : $(ARGV) ] ;
exec-locate ?= $(boost-locate) ;
# object code libraries
local lib-locate = [ MATCH "^--libdir=(.*)" : $(ARGV) ] ;
lib-locate ?= $(exec-locate)/lib ;
# where to build
local all-locate = [ MATCH "^--builddir=(.*)" : $(ARGV) ] ;
ALL_LOCATE_TARGET ?= $(all-locate) ;
# source header files
local include-locate = [ MATCH "^--includedir=(.*)" : $(ARGV) ] ;
include-locate ?= $(boost-locate)/include ;
# location of python
local python-root = [ MATCH "^--with-python-root=(.*)" : $(ARGV) ] ;
PYTHON_ROOT ?= $(python-root) ;
# variant for pydebug build
local with-debug-python ;
if --with-pydebug in $(ARGV)
with-debug-python = debug-python ;
# libraries to disable building, etc.
local without-libraries = [ MATCH "^--without-(.*)" : $(ARGV) ] ;
project-root ;
# bring in the rules for python
import python ;
local version-tag = [ MATCH "^([^.]+).([^.]+)" : $(BOOST_VERSION) ] ;
version-tag = $(version-tag:J="_") ;
[ MATCH ^(.*build[/\\:]$(JAMFILE))$ : [ glob-tree $(BOOST_ROOT)/libs : $(JAMFILE) ] ]
: <exclude>$(without-libraries) ;
local lib-sources = [ install-sources lib ] ;
if $(lib-sources)
local lib-build =
debug release
[ cond $(with-debug-python) : debug-python ]
[ cond $(NT) : <runtime-link>static/dynamic ]
local lib-target =
[ cond $(with-install) : install : all ]
[ cond $(with-stage) : stage : all ]
local lib-dest-files = [
stage $(lib-locate:D=)
[ unless $(with-install) $(with-stage) : <suppress>true ]
] ;
local unversioned-files ;
if $(with-install) || $(with-stage)
if $(NT)
local version-files = [ MATCH "(.*[.]lib)" : $(lib-dest-files) ] ;
local noversion-files ;
for local version-file in $(version-files)
local noversion-file =
[ MATCH "(.*)-[0-9_]+([.]lib)" : $(version-file) ] ;
noversion-file = $(noversion-file[1])$(noversion-file[2]) ;
MakeLocate $(noversion-file) : [ FDirName [ split-path $(lib-locate) ] ] ;
HardLink $(noversion-file) : $(version-file) ;
noversion-files += $(noversion-file) ;
declare-fake-targets $(lib-target) : $(noversion-files) ;
else if $(UNIX)
local so-version-files = [ MATCH "(.*[.]so[.0-9]+)" : $(lib-dest-files) ] ;
so-version-files ?= [ MATCH "(.*[.]so)" : $(lib-dest-files) ] ;
local version-files = $(so-version-files) [ MATCH "(.*[.]a)" : $(lib-dest-files) ] ;
local noversion-files ;
for local version-file in $(version-files)
local noversion-file =
[ MATCH "(.*)-[0-9_]+([.]so)[.0-9]*" : $(version-file) ]
[ MATCH "(.*)-[0-9_]+([.]a)" : $(version-file) ] ;
noversion-file = $(noversion-file[1])$(noversion-file[2]) ;
MakeLocate $(noversion-file) : [ FDirName [ split-path $(lib-locate) ] ] ;
HardLink $(noversion-file) : $(version-file) ;
noversion-files += $(noversion-file) ;
declare-fake-targets $(lib-target) : $(noversion-files) ;
stage $(include-locate:D=)/boost-$(version-tag)
[ glob-tree $(BOOST_ROOT)/boost/compatibility/cpp_c_headers : c* ]
[ glob-tree $(BOOST_ROOT)/boost : *.hpp *.ipp *.h ]
[ cond $(with-install) : <target>install : <target>all ]
[ unless $(with-install) : <suppress>true ]