Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

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//  link_check implementation  -----------------------------------------------//

//  Copyright Beman Dawes 2002.
//  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
//  (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

#include "link_check.hpp"
#include "boost/regex.hpp"
#include "boost/filesystem/operations.hpp"
#include <boost/algorithm/string/case_conv.hpp>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <set>

// #include <iostream>

namespace fs = boost::filesystem;

  boost::regex html_bookmark_regex(
    boost::regbase::normal | boost::regbase::icase);
  boost::regex html_url_regex(
    "<([^\\s<>]*)\\s*[^<>]*\\s+(?:HREF|SRC)" // HREF or SRC
    boost::regbase::normal | boost::regbase::icase);
  boost::regex css_url_regex(
    boost::regbase::normal | boost::regbase::icase);

  // Regular expression for parsing URLS from:
  boost::regex url_decompose_regex(

    typedef std::set<std::string> bookmark_set;
    bookmark_set bookmarks;
    bookmark_set bookmarks_lowercase; // duplicate check needs case insensitive

  // Decode html escapsed ampersands, returns an empty string if there's an error.
  std::string decode_ampersands(std::string const& url_path) {
    std::string::size_type pos = 0, next;
    std::string result;

    while((next = url_path.find('&', pos)) != std::string::npos) {
      result.append(url_path, pos, next - pos);
      pos = next;
      if(url_path.substr(pos, 5) == "&amp;") {
        result += '&'; pos += 5;
      else {
        result += '&'; pos += 1;

    result.append(url_path, pos, url_path.length());

    return result;

  // Decode percent encoded characters, returns an empty string if there's an error.
  std::string decode_percents(std::string const& url_path) {
    std::string::size_type pos = 0, next;
    std::string result;

    while((next = url_path.find('%', pos)) != std::string::npos) {
      result.append(url_path, pos, next - pos);
      pos = next;
      switch(url_path[pos]) {
        case '%': {
          if(url_path.length() - next < 3) return "";
          char hex[3] = { url_path[next + 1], url_path[next + 2], '\0' };
          char* end_ptr;
          result += (char) std::strtol(hex, &end_ptr, 16);
          if(*end_ptr) return "";
          pos = next + 3;

    result.append(url_path, pos, url_path.length());

    return result;

  bool is_css(const path & p) {
      return p.extension() == ".css";

} // unnamed namespace

namespace boost
  namespace inspect

//  link_check constructor  --------------------------------------------------//

     : m_broken_errors(0), m_unlinked_errors(0), m_invalid_errors(0),
       m_bookmark_errors(0), m_duplicate_bookmark_errors(0)
       // HTML signatures are already registered by the base class,
       // 'hypertext_inspector' 

//  inspect (all)  -----------------------------------------------------------//

   void link_check::inspect(
      const string & /*library_name*/,
      const path & full_path )
      // keep track of paths already encountered to reduce disk activity
      if ( !fs::is_directory( full_path ) )
        m_paths[ relative_to( full_path, fs::initial_path() ) ] |= m_present;

//  inspect ( .htm, .html, .shtml, .css )  -----------------------------------//

   void link_check::inspect(
      const string & library_name,
      const path & full_path,   // example: c:/foo/boost/filesystem/path.hpp
      const string & contents )     // contents of file to be inspected
      if (contents.find( "boostinspect:" "nounlinked" ) != string::npos)
          m_paths[ relative_to( full_path, fs::initial_path() ) ] |= m_nounlinked_errors;

      bool no_link_errors =
          (contents.find( "boostinspect:" "nolink" ) != string::npos);

      // build bookmarks databases
      string::const_iterator a_start( contents.begin() );
      string::const_iterator a_end( contents.end() );
      boost::match_results< string::const_iterator > a_what;
      boost::match_flag_type a_flags = boost::match_default;

        string previous_id;

        while( boost::regex_search( a_start, a_end, a_what, html_bookmark_regex, a_flags) )
          // a_what[0] contains the whole string iterators.
          // a_what[1] contains the tag iterators.
          // a_what[2] contains the attribute name.
          // a_what[4] contains the bookmark iterators.

          if (a_what[4].matched)
            string tag( a_what[1].first, a_what[1].second );
            string attribute( a_what[2].first, a_what[2].second );
            string bookmark( a_what[4].first, a_what[4].second );

            bool name_following_id = ( attribute == "name" && previous_id == bookmark );
            if ( tag != "meta" && attribute == "id" ) previous_id = bookmark;
            else previous_id.clear();

            if ( tag != "meta" && !name_following_id )
              bookmarks.insert( bookmark );
//              std::cout << "******************* " << bookmark << '\n';

              // recommends case-insensitive checking for duplicate bookmarks
              // since some browsers do a case-insensitive match.
              string bookmark_lowercase( bookmark );

              std::pair<bookmark_set::iterator, bool> result
                = bookmarks_lowercase.insert( bookmark_lowercase );
              if (!result.second)
                int ln = std::count( contents.begin(), a_what[3].first, '\n' ) + 1;
                error( library_name, full_path, "Duplicate bookmark: " + bookmark, ln );

          a_start = a_what[0].second; // update search position
          a_flags |= boost::match_prev_avail; // update flags
          a_flags |= boost::match_not_bob;

      // process urls
      string::const_iterator start( contents.begin() );
      string::const_iterator end( contents.end() );
      boost::match_results< string::const_iterator > what;
      boost::match_flag_type flags = boost::match_default;

        while( boost::regex_search( start, end, what, html_url_regex, flags) )
          // what[0] contains the whole string iterators.
          // what[1] contains the element type iterators.
          // what[3] contains the URL iterators.
            string type( what[1].first, what[1].second );

            // TODO: Complain if 'link' tags use external stylesheets.
            do_url( string( what[3].first, what[3].second ),
              library_name, full_path, no_link_errors,
              type == "a" || type == "link", contents.begin(), what[3].first );

          start = what[0].second; // update search position
          flags |= boost::match_prev_avail; // update flags
          flags |= boost::match_not_bob;

      while( boost::regex_search( start, end, what, css_url_regex, flags) )
        // what[0] contains the whole string iterators.
        // what[2] contains the URL iterators.
          do_url( string( what[2].first, what[2].second ),
            library_name, full_path, no_link_errors, false,
            contents.begin(), what[3].first );

        start = what[0].second; // update search position
        flags |= boost::match_prev_avail; // update flags
        flags |= boost::match_not_bob;

//  do_url  ------------------------------------------------------------------//

    void link_check::do_url( const string & url, const string & library_name,
      const path & source_path, bool no_link_errors, bool allow_external_content,
        std::string::const_iterator contents_begin, std::string::const_iterator url_start )
        // precondition: source_path.is_complete()
      if(!no_link_errors && url.empty()) {
        int ln = std::count( contents_begin, url_start, '\n' ) + 1;
        error( library_name, source_path, "Empty URL.", ln );

      // Decode ampersand encoded characters.
      string decoded_url = is_css(source_path) ? url : decode_ampersands(url);
      if(decoded_url.empty()) {
        if(!no_link_errors) {
          int ln = std::count( contents_begin, url_start, '\n' ) + 1;
          error( library_name, source_path,
            "Invalid URL (invalid ampersand encodings): " + url, ln );
      boost::smatch m;
      if(!boost::regex_match(decoded_url, m, url_decompose_regex)) {
        if(!no_link_errors) {
          int ln = std::count( contents_begin, url_start, '\n' ) + 1;
          error( library_name, source_path, "Invalid URL: " + decoded_url, ln );

      bool scheme_matched = m[2].matched,
        authority_matched = m[4].matched,
        //query_matched = m[7].matched,
        fragment_matched = m[9].matched;

      std::string scheme(m[2]),

      // Check for external content
      if(!allow_external_content && (authority_matched || scheme_matched)) {
        if(!no_link_errors) {
          int ln = std::count( contents_begin, url_start, '\n' ) + 1;
          error( library_name, source_path, "External content: " + decoded_url, ln );

      // Protocol checks
      if(scheme_matched) {
        if(scheme == "http" || scheme == "https") {
          // All http links should have a hostname. Generally if they don't
          // it's by mistake. If they shouldn't, then a protocol isn't
          // required.
          if(!authority_matched) {
            if(!no_link_errors) {
              int ln = std::count( contents_begin, url_start, '\n' ) + 1;
              error( library_name, source_path, "No hostname: " + decoded_url, ln );

        else if(scheme == "file") {
          if(!no_link_errors) {
            int ln = std::count( contents_begin, url_start, '\n' ) + 1;
            error( library_name, source_path,
              "Invalid URL (hardwired file): " + decoded_url, ln );
        else if(scheme == "mailto" || scheme == "ftp" || scheme == "news" || scheme == "javascript") {
          if ( !no_link_errors && is_css(source_path) ) {
            int ln = std::count( contents_begin, url_start, '\n' ) + 1;
            error( library_name, source_path,
              "Invalid protocol for css: " + decoded_url, ln );
        else {
          if(!no_link_errors) {
            int ln = std::count( contents_begin, url_start, '\n' ) + 1;
            error( library_name, source_path, "Unknown protocol: '" + scheme + "' in url: " + decoded_url, ln );


      // Hostname without protocol.
      if(authority_matched) {
        if(!no_link_errors) {
          int ln = std::count( contents_begin, url_start, '\n' ) + 1;
          error( library_name, source_path,
            "Invalid URL (hostname without protocol): " + decoded_url, ln );

      // Check the fragment identifier
      if ( fragment_matched ) {
        if ( is_css(source_path) ) {
            if ( !no_link_errors ) {
              int ln = std::count( contents_begin, url_start, '\n' ) + 1;
              error( library_name, source_path,
                "Fragment link in CSS: " + decoded_url, ln );
        else {
          if ( !no_link_errors && fragment.find( '#' ) != string::npos )
            int ln = std::count( contents_begin, url_start, '\n' ) + 1;
            error( library_name, source_path, "Invalid bookmark: " + decoded_url, ln );
          else if ( !no_link_errors && url_path.empty() && !fragment.empty()
            // recommends case-sensitive broken bookmark checking
            // since some browsers do a case-sensitive match.
            && bookmarks.find(decode_percents(fragment)) == bookmarks.end() )
            int ln = std::count( contents_begin, url_start, '\n' ) + 1;
            error( library_name, source_path, "Unknown bookmark: " + decoded_url, ln );

        // No more to do if it's just a fragment identifier
        if(url_path.empty()) return;

      // Detect characters banned by RFC2396:
      if ( !no_link_errors && decoded_url.find_first_of( " <>\"{}|\\^[]'" ) != string::npos )
        int ln = std::count( contents_begin, url_start, '\n' ) + 1;
        error( library_name, source_path,
          "Invalid character in URL: " + decoded_url, ln );

      // Check that we actually have a path.
      if(url_path.empty()) {
        if(!no_link_errors) {
          int ln = std::count( contents_begin, url_start, '\n' ) + 1;
          error( library_name, source_path,
            "Invalid URL (empty path in relative url): " + decoded_url, ln );

      // Decode percent encoded characters.
      string decoded_path = decode_percents(url_path);
      if(decoded_path.empty()) {
        if(!no_link_errors) {
          int ln = std::count( contents_begin, url_start, '\n' ) + 1;
          error( library_name, source_path,
            "Invalid URL (invalid character encodings): " + decoded_url, ln );

      // strip url of references to current dir
      if ( decoded_path[0]=='.' && decoded_path[1]=='/' ) decoded_path.erase( 0, 2 );

      // url is relative source_path.branch()
      // convert to target_path, which is_complete()
      path target_path;
      try { target_path = source_path.branch_path() /= path( decoded_path, fs::no_check ); }
      catch ( const fs::filesystem_error & )
        if(!no_link_errors) {
          int ln = std::count( contents_begin, url_start, '\n' ) + 1;
          error( library_name, source_path,
            "Invalid URL (error resolving path): " + decoded_url, ln );

      // create a m_paths entry if necessary
      std::pair< const string, int > entry(
        relative_to( target_path, fs::initial_path() ), 0 );
      m_path_map::iterator itr( m_paths.find( entry.first ) );
      if ( itr == m_paths.end() )
        if ( fs::exists( target_path ) ) entry.second = m_present;
        itr = m_paths.insert( entry ).first;

      // itr now points to the m_paths entry
      itr->second |= m_linked_to;

      // if target isn't present, the link is broken
      if ( !no_link_errors && (itr->second & m_present) == 0 )
        int ln = std::count( contents_begin, url_start, '\n' ) + 1;
        error( library_name, source_path, "Broken link: " + decoded_url, ln );

//  close  -------------------------------------------------------------------//

   void link_check::close()
     for ( m_path_map::const_iterator itr = m_paths.begin();
       itr != m_paths.end(); ++itr )
// std::clog << itr->first << " " << itr->second << "\n";
       if ( (itr->second & m_linked_to) != m_linked_to
         && (itr->second & m_nounlinked_errors) != m_nounlinked_errors
         && (itr->first.rfind( ".html" ) == itr->first.size()-5
          || itr->first.rfind( ".htm" ) == itr->first.size()-4
          || itr->first.rfind( ".css" ) == itr->first.size()-4)
         // because they may be redirectors, it is OK if these are unlinked:
         && itr->first.rfind( "index.html" ) == string::npos
         && itr->first.rfind( "index.htm" ) == string::npos )
         path full_path( fs::initial_path() / path(itr->first, fs::no_check) );
         error( impute_library( full_path ), full_path, "Unlinked file" );

  } // namespace inspect
} // namespace boost