Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

This is the documentation for an old version of Boost. Click here to view this page for the latest version.


// rules.hpp
// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Ben Hanson (
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file licence_1_0.txt or copy at

#include "consts.hpp"
#include <deque>
#include <locale>
#include <map>
#include "runtime_error.hpp"
#include <set>
#include "size_t.hpp"
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

namespace boost
namespace lexer
namespace detail
    // return name of initial state
    template <typename CharT>
    struct strings;

    template <>
    struct strings<char>
        static const char *initial ()
            return "INITIAL";

        static const char *dot ()
            return ".";

        static const char *all_states ()
            return "*";

        static const char *char_name ()
            return "char";

        static const char *char_prefix ()
            return "";

    template <>
    struct strings<wchar_t>
        static const wchar_t *initial ()
            return L"INITIAL";

        static const wchar_t *dot ()
            return L".";

        static const wchar_t *all_states ()
            return L"*";

        static const char *char_name ()
            return "wchar_t";

        static const char *char_prefix ()
            return "L";

template<typename CharT>
class basic_rules
    typedef std::vector<std::size_t> id_vector;
    typedef std::deque<id_vector> id_vector_deque;
    typedef std::basic_string<CharT> string;
    typedef std::deque<string> string_deque;
    typedef std::deque<string_deque> string_deque_deque;
    typedef std::set<string> string_set;
    typedef std::pair<string, string> string_pair;
    typedef std::deque<string_pair> string_pair_deque;
    typedef std::map<string, std::size_t> string_size_t_map;
    typedef std::pair<string, std::size_t> string_size_t_pair;

    basic_rules (const regex_flags flags_ = dot_not_newline,
        std::size_t (*counter_ptr_) () = 0) :
        _flags (flags_),
        _counter (0),
        _counter_ptr (counter_ptr_)
        add_state (initial ());

    void clear ()
        _statemap.clear ();
        _macrodeque.clear ();
        _macroset.clear ();
        _regexes.clear ();
        _ids.clear ();
        _unique_ids.clear ();
        _states.clear ();
        _flags = dot_not_newline;
        _locale = std::locale ();
        add_state (initial ());

    void clear (const CharT *state_name_)
        std::size_t state_ = state (state_name_);

        if (state_ != npos)
            _regexes[state_].clear ();
            _ids[state_].clear ();
            _unique_ids[state_].clear ();
            _states[state_].clear ();

    void flags (const regex_flags flags_)
        _flags = flags_;

    regex_flags flags () const
        return _flags;

    std::size_t next_unique_id ()
        return _counter_ptr ? _counter_ptr () : _counter++;

    std::locale imbue (std::locale &locale_)
        std::locale loc_ = _locale;

        _locale = locale_;
        return loc_;

    const std::locale &locale () const
        return _locale;

    std::size_t state (const CharT *name_) const
        std::size_t state_ = npos;
        typename string_size_t_map::const_iterator iter_ =
            _statemap.find (name_);

        if (iter_ != _statemap.end ())
            state_ = iter_->second;

        return state_;

    const CharT *state (const std::size_t index_) const
        if (index_ == 0)
            return initial ();
            const std::size_t vec_index_ = index_ - 1;

            if (vec_index_ > _lexer_state_names.size () - 1)
                return 0;
                return _lexer_state_names[vec_index_].c_str ();

    std::size_t add_state (const CharT *name_)
        validate (name_);

        if (_statemap.insert (string_size_t_pair (name_,
            _statemap.size ())).second)
            _regexes.push_back (string_deque ());
            _ids.push_back (id_vector ());
            _unique_ids.push_back (id_vector ());
            _states.push_back (id_vector ());

            if (string (name_) != initial ())
                _lexer_state_names.push_back (name_);

        // Initial is not stored, so no need to - 1.
        return _lexer_state_names.size ();

    void add_macro (const CharT *name_, const CharT *regex_)
        add_macro (name_, string (regex_));

    void add_macro (const CharT *name_, const CharT *regex_start_,
        const CharT *regex_end_)
        add_macro (name_, string (regex_start_, regex_end_));

    void add_macro (const CharT *name_, const string &regex_)
        validate (name_);

        typename string_set::const_iterator iter_ = _macroset.find (name_);

        if (iter_ == _macroset.end ())
            _macrodeque.push_back (string_pair (name_, regex_));
            _macroset.insert (name_);
            std::basic_stringstream<CharT> ss_;
            std::ostringstream os_;

            os_ << "Attempt to redefine MACRO '";

            while (*name_)
                os_ << ss_.narrow (*name_++, static_cast<CharT> (' '));

            os_ << "'.";
            throw runtime_error (os_.str ());

    void add_macros (const basic_rules<CharT> &rules_)
        const string_pair_deque &macros_ = rules_.macrodeque ();
        typename string_pair_deque::const_iterator macro_iter_ =
            macros_.begin ();
        typename string_pair_deque::const_iterator macro_end_ =
            macros_.end ();

        for (; macro_iter_ != macro_end_; ++macro_iter_)
            add_macro (macro_iter_->first.c_str (),
                macro_iter_->second.c_str ());

    void merge_macros (const basic_rules<CharT> &rules_)
        const string_pair_deque &macros_ = rules_.macrodeque ();
        typename string_pair_deque::const_iterator macro_iter_ =
            macros_.begin ();
        typename string_pair_deque::const_iterator macro_end_ =
            macros_.end ();
        typename string_set::const_iterator macro_dest_iter_;
        typename string_set::const_iterator macro_dest_end_ = _macroset.end ();

        for (; macro_iter_ != macro_end_; ++macro_iter_)
            macro_dest_iter_ = _macroset.find (macro_iter_->first);

            if (macro_dest_iter_ == macro_dest_end_)
                add_macro (macro_iter_->first.c_str (),
                    macro_iter_->second.c_str ());

    std::size_t add (const CharT *regex_, const std::size_t id_)
        return add (string (regex_), id_);

    std::size_t add (const CharT *regex_start_, const CharT *regex_end_,
        const std::size_t id_)
        return add (string (regex_start_, regex_end_), id_);

    std::size_t add (const string &regex_, const std::size_t id_)
        const std::size_t counter_ = next_unique_id ();

        check_for_invalid_id (id_);
        _regexes.front ().push_back (regex_);
        _ids.front ().push_back (id_);
        _unique_ids.front ().push_back (counter_);
        _states.front ().push_back (0);
        return counter_;

    std::size_t add (const CharT *curr_state_, const CharT *regex_,
        const CharT *new_state_)
        return add (curr_state_, string (regex_), new_state_);

    std::size_t add (const CharT *curr_state_, const CharT *regex_start_,
        const CharT *regex_end_, const CharT *new_state_)
        return add (curr_state_, string (regex_start_, regex_end_),

    std::size_t add (const CharT *curr_state_, const string &regex_,
        const CharT *new_state_)
        return add (curr_state_, regex_, 0, new_state_, false);

    std::size_t add (const CharT *curr_state_, const CharT *regex_,
        const std::size_t id_, const CharT *new_state_)
        return add (curr_state_, string (regex_), id_, new_state_);

    std::size_t add (const CharT *curr_state_, const CharT *regex_start_,
        const CharT *regex_end_, const std::size_t id_,
        const CharT *new_state_)
        return add (curr_state_, string (regex_start_, regex_end_), id_,

    std::size_t add (const CharT *curr_state_, const string &regex_,
        const std::size_t id_, const CharT *new_state_)
        return add (curr_state_, regex_, id_, new_state_, true);

    void add (const CharT *source_, const basic_rules<CharT> &rules_,
        const CharT *dest_, const CharT *to_ = detail::strings<CharT>::dot ())
        const bool star_ = *source_ == '*' && *(source_ + 1) == 0;
        const bool dest_dot_ = *dest_ == '.' && *(dest_ + 1) == 0;
        const bool to_dot_ = *to_ == '.' && *(to_ + 1) == 0;
        std::size_t state_ = 0;
        const string_deque_deque &all_regexes_ = rules_.regexes ();
        const id_vector_deque &all_ids_ = rules_.ids ();
        const id_vector_deque &all_unique_ids_ = rules_.unique_ids ();
        const id_vector_deque &all_states_ = rules_.states ();
        typename string_deque::const_iterator regex_iter_;
        typename string_deque::const_iterator regex_end_;
        typename id_vector::const_iterator id_iter_;
        typename id_vector::const_iterator uid_iter_;
        typename id_vector::const_iterator state_iter_;

        if (star_)
            typename string_deque_deque::const_iterator all_regexes_iter_ =
                all_regexes_.begin ();
            typename string_deque_deque::const_iterator all_regexes_end_ =
                all_regexes_.end ();
            typename id_vector_deque::const_iterator all_ids_iter_ =
                all_ids_.begin ();
            typename id_vector_deque::const_iterator all_uids_iter_ =
                all_unique_ids_.begin ();
            typename id_vector_deque::const_iterator all_states_iter_ =
                all_states_.begin ();

            for (; all_regexes_iter_ != all_regexes_end_;
                ++state_, ++all_regexes_iter_, ++all_ids_iter_,
                ++all_uids_iter_, ++all_states_iter_)
                regex_iter_ = all_regexes_iter_->begin ();
                regex_end_ = all_regexes_iter_->end ();
                id_iter_ = all_ids_iter_->begin ();
                uid_iter_ = all_uids_iter_->begin ();
                state_iter_ = all_states_iter_->begin ();

                for (; regex_iter_ != regex_end_; ++regex_iter_, ++id_iter_,
                    ++uid_iter_, ++state_iter_)
                    // If ..._dot_ then lookup state name from rules_; otherwise
                    // pass name through.
                    add (dest_dot_ ? rules_.state (state_) : dest_, *regex_iter_,
                        *id_iter_, to_dot_ ? rules_.state (*state_iter_) : to_, true,
            const CharT *start_ = source_;
            string state_name_;

            while (*source_)
                while (*source_ && *source_ != ',')

                state_name_.assign (start_, source_);

                if (*source_)
                    start_ = source_;

                state_ = rules_.state (state_name_.c_str ());

                if (state_ == npos)
                    std::basic_stringstream<CharT> ss_;
                    std::ostringstream os_;

                    os_ << "Unknown state name '";
                    source_ = state_name_.c_str ();

                    while (*source_)
                        os_ << ss_.narrow (*source_++, ' ');

                    os_ << "'.";
                    throw runtime_error (os_.str ());

                regex_iter_ = all_regexes_[state_].begin ();
                regex_end_ = all_regexes_[state_].end ();
                id_iter_ = all_ids_[state_].begin ();
                uid_iter_ = all_unique_ids_[state_].begin ();
                state_iter_ = all_states_[state_].begin ();

                for (; regex_iter_ != regex_end_; ++regex_iter_, ++id_iter_,
                    ++uid_iter_, ++state_iter_)
                    // If ..._dot_ then lookup state name from rules_; otherwise
                    // pass name through.
                    add (dest_dot_ ? state_name_.c_str () : dest_, *regex_iter_,
                        *id_iter_, to_dot_ ? rules_.state (*state_iter_) : to_, true,
    void add (const CharT *curr_state_, const basic_rules<CharT> &rules_)
        const string_deque_deque &regexes_ = rules_.regexes ();
        const id_vector_deque &ids_ = rules_.ids ();
        const id_vector_deque &unique_ids_ = rules_.unique_ids ();
        typename string_deque_deque::const_iterator state_regex_iter_ =
            regexes_.begin ();
        typename string_deque_deque::const_iterator state_regex_end_ =
            regexes_.end ();
        typename id_vector_deque::const_iterator state_id_iter_ =
            ids_.begin ();
        typename id_vector_deque::const_iterator state_uid_iter_ =
            unique_ids_.begin ();
        typename string_deque::const_iterator regex_iter_;
        typename string_deque::const_iterator regex_end_;
        typename id_vector::const_iterator id_iter_;
        typename id_vector::const_iterator uid_iter_;

        for (; state_regex_iter_ != state_regex_end_; ++state_regex_iter_)
            regex_iter_ = state_regex_iter_->begin ();
            regex_end_ = state_regex_iter_->end ();
            id_iter_ = state_id_iter_->begin ();
            uid_iter_ = state_uid_iter_->begin ();

            for (; regex_iter_ != regex_end_; ++regex_iter_, ++id_iter_,
                add (curr_state_, *regex_iter_, *id_iter_, curr_state_, true,
    const string_size_t_map &statemap () const
        return _statemap;

    const string_pair_deque &macrodeque () const
        return _macrodeque;

    const string_deque_deque &regexes () const
        return _regexes;

    const id_vector_deque &ids () const
        return _ids;

    const id_vector_deque &unique_ids () const
        return _unique_ids;

    const id_vector_deque &states () const
        return _states;

    bool empty () const
        typename string_deque_deque::const_iterator iter_ = _regexes.begin ();
        typename string_deque_deque::const_iterator end_ = _regexes.end ();
        bool empty_ = true;

        for (; iter_ != end_; ++iter_)
            if (!iter_->empty ())
                empty_ = false;

        return empty_;

    static const CharT *initial ()
        return detail::strings<CharT>::initial ();

    static const CharT *all_states ()
        return detail::strings<CharT>::all_states ();

    static const CharT *dot ()
        return detail::strings<CharT>::dot ();

    string_size_t_map _statemap;
    string_pair_deque _macrodeque;
    string_set _macroset;
    string_deque_deque _regexes;
    id_vector_deque _ids;
    id_vector_deque _unique_ids;
    id_vector_deque _states;
    regex_flags _flags;
    std::size_t _counter;
    std::size_t (*_counter_ptr) ();
    std::locale _locale;
    string_deque _lexer_state_names;

    std::size_t add (const CharT *curr_state_, const string &regex_,
        const std::size_t id_, const CharT *new_state_, const bool check_,
        const std::size_t uid_ = npos)
        const bool star_ = *curr_state_ == '*' && *(curr_state_ + 1) == 0;
        const bool dot_ = *new_state_ == '.' && *(new_state_ + 1) == 0;

        if (check_)
            check_for_invalid_id (id_);

        if (!dot_)
            validate (new_state_);

        std::size_t new_ = string::npos;
        typename string_size_t_map::const_iterator iter_;
        typename string_size_t_map::const_iterator end_ = _statemap.end ();
        id_vector states_;

        if (!dot_)
            iter_ = _statemap.find (new_state_);

            if (iter_ == end_)
                std::basic_stringstream<CharT> ss_;
                std::ostringstream os_;

                os_ << "Unknown state name '";

                while (*new_state_)
                    os_ << ss_.narrow (*new_state_++, ' ');

                os_ << "'.";
                throw runtime_error (os_.str ());

            new_ = iter_->second;

        if (star_)
            const std::size_t size_ = _statemap.size ();

            for (std::size_t i_ = 0; i_ < size_; ++i_)
                states_.push_back (i_);
            const CharT *start_ = curr_state_;
            string state_;

            while (*curr_state_)
                while (*curr_state_ && *curr_state_ != ',')

                state_.assign (start_, curr_state_);

                if (*curr_state_)
                    start_ = curr_state_;

                validate (state_.c_str ());
                iter_ = _statemap.find (state_.c_str ());

                if (iter_ == end_)
                    std::basic_stringstream<CharT> ss_;
                    std::ostringstream os_;

                    os_ << "Unknown state name '";
                    curr_state_ = state_.c_str ();

                    while (*curr_state_)
                        os_ << ss_.narrow (*curr_state_++, ' ');

                    os_ << "'.";
                    throw runtime_error (os_.str ());

                states_.push_back (iter_->second);

        std::size_t first_counter_ = npos;

        for (std::size_t i_ = 0, size_ = states_.size (); i_ < size_; ++i_)
            const std::size_t curr_ = states_[i_];

            _regexes[curr_].push_back (regex_);
            _ids[curr_].push_back (id_);

            if (uid_ == npos)
                const std::size_t counter_ = next_unique_id ();

                if (first_counter_ == npos)
                    first_counter_ = counter_;

                _unique_ids[curr_].push_back (counter_);
                if (first_counter_ == npos)
                    first_counter_ = uid_;

                _unique_ids[curr_].push_back (uid_);

            _states[curr_].push_back (dot_ ? curr_ : new_);

        return first_counter_;

    void validate (const CharT *name_) const
        const CharT *start_ = name_;

        if (*name_ != '_' && !(*name_ >= 'A' && *name_ <= 'Z') &&
            !(*name_ >= 'a' && *name_ <= 'z'))
            std::basic_stringstream<CharT> ss_;
            std::ostringstream os_;

            os_ << "Invalid name '";

            while (*name_)
                os_ << ss_.narrow (*name_++, ' ');

            os_ << "'.";
            throw runtime_error (os_.str ());
        else if (*name_)

        while (*name_)
            if (*name_ != '_' && *name_ != '-' &&
                !(*name_ >= 'A' && *name_ <= 'Z') &&
                !(*name_ >= 'a' && *name_ <= 'z') &&
                !(*name_ >= '0' && *name_ <= '9'))
                std::basic_stringstream<CharT> ss_;
                std::ostringstream os_;

                os_ << "Invalid name '";
                name_ = start_;

                while (*name_)
                    os_ << ss_.narrow (*name_++, ' ');

                os_ << "'.";
                throw runtime_error (os_.str ());


        if (name_ - start_ > static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(max_macro_len))
            std::basic_stringstream<CharT> ss_;
            std::ostringstream os_;

            os_ << "Name '";
            name_ = start_;

            while (*name_)
                os_ << ss_.narrow (*name_++, ' ');

            os_ << "' too long.";
            throw runtime_error (os_.str ());

    void check_for_invalid_id (const std::size_t id_) const
        switch (id_)
        case 0:
            throw runtime_error ("id 0 is reserved for EOF.");
        case npos:
            throw runtime_error ("id npos is reserved for the "
                "UNKNOWN token.");
            // OK

typedef basic_rules<char> rules;
typedef basic_rules<wchar_t> wrules;
