Forward declares `boost::hana::when` and `boost::hana::when_valid`.
@copyright Louis Dionne 2013-2017
Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
(See accompanying file or copy at
#include <boost/hana/config.hpp>
//! @ingroup group-core
//! Enable a partial specialization only if a boolean condition is true.
//! You might also want to take a look at `when_valid`, which provides
//! similar functionality but enables a specialziation only when some
//! expression is well-formed.
//! > #### Rationale for using `when` instead of `std::enable_if`
//! > `when` is used to control the priority of partial specializations
//! > in a finer grained manner than what can be achieved with the usual
//! > `typename Enable = void` and `std::enable_if` pattern. For example,
//! > a partially specialized tag-dispatched method will have a higher
//! > priority than an equivalent specialization that uses `when`. For
//! > more details, see the tutorial section on [tag-dispatching][1].
//! Example
//! -------
//! @include example/core/when.cpp
//! [1]: @ref tutorial-core-tag_dispatching
template <bool condition>
struct when;
namespace core_detail {
template <typename ...>
struct always_true { static constexpr bool value = true; };
//! @ingroup group-core
//! Variant of `when` allowing specializations to be enabled only if an
//! expression is well-formed.
//! `when_valid<...>` is always equivalent to `when<true>`. However, when
//! used inside a partial specialization, SFINAE will cause the partial
//! specialization to be ignored when the expression is ill-formed.
//! Example
//! -------
//! @include example/core/when_valid.cpp
//! @bug
//! Using `when_valid` seems to trigger ambiguous partial specializations
//! on GCC.
template <typename ...>
using when_valid = when<true>;
template <typename ...Dummy>
using when_valid = when<