Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

This is the documentation for a snapshot of the develop branch, built from commit b277ec1c43.


// Boost.Bimap
// Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Matias Capeletto
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

/// \file detail/manage_additional_parameters.hpp
/// \brief Utility class to extract the additional parameters from the template parameters.


#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma once

#include <boost/config.hpp>

#include <memory>

// Boost.MPL
#include <boost/mpl/bool.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/aux_/na.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>

#include <boost/bimap/detail/is_set_type_of.hpp>

namespace boost {
namespace bimaps {

template< class Type >
struct with_info
    typedef Type value_type;

namespace detail {

/// \brief Metafunction to check if a given type is a data_hook specification.

template< class Type >
struct is_with_info : ::boost::mpl::false_ {};

template< class ValueType >
struct is_with_info< with_info<ValueType> > : ::boost::mpl::true_ {};

/** \struct boost::bimaps::detail::manage_additional_parameters
\brief Utility class to extract the additional parameters from the template parameters.

template< class AP1, class AP2, class AP3 >
struct manage_additional_parameters
    struct parameters
        typedef -unspecified- set_type_of_relation;
        typedef -unspecified- data_hook;
        typedef -unspecified- allocator;

    typedef parameters type;

See also bimap, bimap_core.


template< class AP1, class AP2, class AP3 >
struct manage_additional_parameters
    // (1) manage_additional_parameters<
    //         not_specified,not_specified,not_specified>
    //     set_type_of_relation: based on the left key type
    //     info_hook:            no additional info
    //     allocator:            default allocator

    struct case_NNN
        typedef left_based set_type_of_relation;
        typedef std::allocator<char> allocator;
        typedef ::boost::mpl::na additional_info;

    // (2) manage_additional_parameters<Allocator,not_specified,not_specified>
    //     set_type_of_relation: based on the left key type
    //     info_hook:            no additional info
    //     allocator:            Allocator

    struct case_ANN
        typedef left_based set_type_of_relation;
        typedef AP1 allocator;
        typedef ::boost::mpl::na additional_info;

    // (3) manage_additional_parameters<
    //         SetOfRelationType,not_specified,not_specified>
    //     set_type_of_relation: SetTypeOfRelation
    //     info_hook:            no additional info
    //     allocator:            default allocator

    struct case_SNN
        typedef AP1 set_type_of_relation;
        typedef std::allocator<char> allocator;
        typedef ::boost::mpl::na additional_info;

    // (4) manage_additional_parameters<
    //          SetTypeOfRelation,Allocator,not_specified>
    //     set_type_of_relation: SetTypeOfRelation
    //     info_hook:            no additional info
    //     allocator:            Allocator

    struct case_SAN
        typedef AP1 set_type_of_relation;
        typedef AP2 allocator;
        typedef ::boost::mpl::na additional_info;

    // (5) manage_additional_parameters<InfoToHook,not_specified,not_specified>
    //     set_type_of_relation: based on the left key type
    //     info_hook:            InfoToHook
    //     allocator:            default allocator

    struct case_HNN
        typedef left_based set_type_of_relation;
        typedef std::allocator<char> allocator;
        typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME AP1::value_type additional_info;

    // (6) manage_additional_parameters<
    //         SetTypeOfRelation,InfoToHook,not_specified>
    //     set_type_of_relation: SetTypeOfRelation
    //     info_hook:            InfoToHook
    //     allocator:            default allocator

    struct case_SHN
        typedef AP1 set_type_of_relation;
        typedef std::allocator<char> allocator;
        typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME AP2::value_type additional_info;

    // (7) manage_additional_parameters<
    //         DataToHook,Allocator,not_specified>
    //     set_type_of_relation: SetTypeOfRelation
    //     info_hook:            InfoToHook
    //     allocator:            default allocator

    struct case_HAN
        typedef left_based set_type_of_relation;
        typedef AP2 allocator;
        typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME AP1::value_type additional_info;

    // (8) manage_additional_parameters<
    //         SetTypeOfRelation,DataToHook,Allocator>
    //     set_type_of_relation: SetTypeOfRelation
    //     info_hook:            InfoToHook
    //     allocator:            Allocator

    struct case_SHA
        typedef AP1 set_type_of_relation;
        typedef AP2 allocator;
        typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME AP2::value_type additional_info;

    // Some annidated mpl::if_ and we are done!

    typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME mpl::if_
        case_NNN, // (1)
            BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME mpl::if_
                case_SNN, // (3)
                BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME mpl::if_
                    case_HNN, // (5)
                    case_ANN  // (2)


            BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME mpl::if_
                BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME mpl::if_
                    case_HAN, // (7)
                    BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME mpl::if_
                        case_SHN, // (6)
                        case_SAN  // (4)



                case_SHA // (8)



    >::type type;



} // namespace detail
} // namespace bimaps
} // namespace boost