// Copyright Kevlin Henney, 2000-2005.
// Copyright Alexander Nasonov, 2006-2010.
// Copyright Antony Polukhin, 2011-2025.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// what: lexical_cast custom keyword cast
// who: contributed by Kevlin Henney,
// enhanced with contributions from Terje Slettebo,
// with additional fixes and suggestions from Gennaro Prota,
// Beman Dawes, Dave Abrahams, Daryle Walker, Peter Dimov,
// Alexander Nasonov, Antony Polukhin, Justin Viiret, Michael Hofmann,
// Cheng Yang, Matthew Bradbury, David W. Birdsall, Pavel Korzh and other Boosters
// when: November 2000, March 2003, June 2005, June 2006, March 2011 - 2014, Nowember 2016
#include <boost/config.hpp>
# pragma once
#include <cstddef>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <boost/limits.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/conditional.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_enum.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_signed.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_unsigned.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_pointer.hpp>
#include <boost/detail/lcast_precision.hpp>
#include <boost/config/workaround.hpp>
#include <boost/core/snprintf.hpp>
# include <locale>
// Getting error at this point means, that your STL library is old/lame/misconfigured.
// If nothing can be done with STL library, define BOOST_LEXICAL_CAST_ASSUME_C_LOCALE,
// but beware: lexical_cast will understand only 'C' locale delimeters and thousands
// separators.
# error "Unable to use <locale> header. Define BOOST_LEXICAL_CAST_ASSUME_C_LOCALE to force "
# error "boost::lexical_cast to use only 'C' locale during conversions."
# endif
#include <strstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <boost/lexical_cast/detail/buffer_view.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast/detail/lcast_char_constants.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast/detail/lcast_unsigned_converters.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast/detail/lcast_basic_unlockedbuf.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast/detail/inf_nan.hpp>
#include <istream>
#include <array>
#include <boost/type_traits/make_unsigned.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_integral.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_float.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_const.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_reference.hpp>
#include <boost/container/container_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/core/enable_if.hpp>
# include <cwchar>
// Forward declarations
namespace boost {
template<class T, std::size_t N>
class array;
template<class IteratorT>
class iterator_range;
// forward declaration of boost::basic_string_view from Utility
template<class Ch, class Tr> class basic_string_view;
namespace boost { namespace detail { namespace lcast {
template <typename T>
struct exact {
static_assert(!boost::is_const<T>::value, "");
static_assert(!boost::is_reference<T>::value, "");
const T& payload;
template< class CharT // a result of widest_char transformation
, class Traits
, std::size_t CharacterBufferSize
class optimized_src_stream {
CharT buffer[CharacterBufferSize];
// After the `stream_in(` finishes, `[start, finish)` is
// the range to output by `operator >>`
const CharT* start;
const CharT* finish;
optimized_src_stream(optimized_src_stream&&) = delete;
optimized_src_stream(const optimized_src_stream&) = delete;
optimized_src_stream& operator=(optimized_src_stream&&) = delete;
optimized_src_stream& operator=(const optimized_src_stream&) = delete;
optimized_src_stream() noexcept
: start(buffer)
, finish(buffer + CharacterBufferSize)
const CharT* cbegin() const noexcept {
return start;
const CharT* cend() const noexcept {
return finish;
bool shl_char(CharT ch) noexcept {
Traits::assign(buffer[0], ch);
finish = start + 1;
return true;
template <class T>
bool shl_char(T ch) {
static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(CharT),
"boost::lexical_cast does not support narrowing of char types."
"Use boost::locale instead" );
std::locale loc;
CharT const w = BOOST_USE_FACET(std::ctype<CharT>, loc).widen(ch);
CharT const w = static_cast<CharT>(ch);
Traits::assign(buffer[0], w);
finish = start + 1;
return true;
bool shl_char_array(CharT const* str_value) noexcept {
start = str_value;
finish = start + Traits::length(str_value);
return true;
bool shl_char_array_limited(CharT const* str, std::size_t max_size) noexcept {
start = str;
finish = start;
const auto zero = Traits::to_char_type(0);
while (finish < start + max_size && zero != *finish) {
++ finish;
return true;
template <class T>
inline bool shl_unsigned(const T n) {
CharT* tmp_finish = buffer + CharacterBufferSize;
start = lcast_put_unsigned<Traits, T, CharT>(n, tmp_finish).convert();
finish = tmp_finish;
return true;
template <class T>
inline bool shl_signed(const T n) {
CharT* tmp_finish = buffer + CharacterBufferSize;
typedef typename boost::make_unsigned<T>::type utype;
CharT* tmp_start = lcast_put_unsigned<Traits, utype, CharT>(lcast_to_unsigned(n), tmp_finish).convert();
if (n < 0) {
CharT const minus = lcast_char_constants<CharT>::minus;
Traits::assign(*tmp_start, minus);
start = tmp_start;
finish = tmp_finish;
return true;
bool shl_real_type(float val, char* begin) {
const double val_as_double = val;
finish = start +
boost::core::snprintf(begin, CharacterBufferSize,
"%.*g", static_cast<int>(boost::detail::lcast_precision<float>::value), val_as_double);
return finish > start;
bool shl_real_type(double val, char* begin) {
finish = start +
boost::core::snprintf(begin, CharacterBufferSize,
"%.*g", static_cast<int>(boost::detail::lcast_precision<double>::value), val);
return finish > start;
#ifndef __MINGW32__
bool shl_real_type(long double val, char* begin) {
finish = start +
boost::core::snprintf(begin, CharacterBufferSize,
"%.*Lg", static_cast<int>(boost::detail::lcast_precision<long double>::value), val );
return finish > start;
bool shl_real_type(long double val, char* begin) {
return shl_real_type(static_cast<double>(val), begin);
#if !defined(BOOST_LCAST_NO_WCHAR_T)
bool shl_real_type(float val, wchar_t* begin) {
const double val_as_double = val;
finish = start + boost::core::swprintf(
begin, CharacterBufferSize, L"%.*g",
return finish > start;
bool shl_real_type(double val, wchar_t* begin) {
finish = start + boost::core::swprintf(
begin, CharacterBufferSize, L"%.*g",
return finish > start;
bool shl_real_type(long double val, wchar_t* begin) {
finish = start + boost::core::swprintf(
begin, CharacterBufferSize, L"%.*Lg",
static_cast<int>(boost::detail::lcast_precision<long double>::value),
return finish > start;
template <class C>
using enable_if_compatible_char_t = typename boost::enable_if_c<
boost::is_same<const C, const CharT>::value || (
boost::is_same<const char, const CharT>::value && (
boost::is_same<const C, const unsigned char>::value ||
boost::is_same<const C, const signed char>::value
), bool
template<class CharTraits, class Alloc>
bool stream_in(lcast::exact<std::basic_string<CharT,CharTraits,Alloc>> x) noexcept {
start =;
finish = start + x.payload.length();
return true;
template<class CharTraits, class Alloc>
bool stream_in(lcast::exact<boost::container::basic_string<CharT,CharTraits,Alloc>> x) noexcept {
start =;
finish = start + x.payload.length();
return true;
bool stream_in(lcast::exact<bool> x) noexcept {
CharT const czero = lcast_char_constants<CharT>::zero;
Traits::assign(buffer[0], Traits::to_char_type(czero + x.payload));
finish = start + 1;
return true;
bool stream_in(lcast::exact<boost::conversion::detail::buffer_view<CharT>> x) noexcept {
start = x.payload.begin;
finish = x.payload.end;
return true;
template <class C>
stream_in(lcast::exact<boost::iterator_range<C*>> x) noexcept {
auto buf = boost::conversion::detail::make_buffer_view(x.payload.begin(), x.payload.end());
return stream_in(lcast::exact<decltype(buf)>{buf});
bool stream_in(lcast::exact<char> x) { return shl_char(x.payload); }
bool stream_in(lcast::exact<unsigned char> x) { return shl_char(static_cast<char>(x.payload)); }
bool stream_in(lcast::exact<signed char> x) { return shl_char(static_cast<char>(x.payload)); }
template <class C>
typename boost::enable_if_c<boost::detail::is_character<C>::value, bool>::type
stream_in(lcast::exact<C> x) { return shl_char(x.payload); }
template <class Type>
stream_in(lcast::exact<Type*> x) { return shl_char_array(reinterpret_cast<CharT const*>(x.payload)); }
template <class Type>
typename boost::enable_if_c<boost::is_signed<Type>::value && !boost::is_enum<Type>::value, bool>::type
stream_in(lcast::exact<Type> x) { return shl_signed(x.payload); }
template <class Type>
typename boost::enable_if_c<boost::is_unsigned<Type>::value && !boost::is_enum<Type>::value, bool>::type
stream_in(lcast::exact<Type> x) { return shl_unsigned(x.payload); }
template <class Type>
auto stream_in(lcast::exact<Type> x) -> decltype(shl_real_type(x.payload, buffer)) {
const CharT* inf_nan = detail::get_inf_nan(x.payload, CharT());
if (inf_nan) {
start = inf_nan;
finish = start + Traits::length(inf_nan);
return true;
return shl_real_type(x.payload, buffer);
template <class C, std::size_t N>
stream_in(lcast::exact<boost::array<C, N>> x) noexcept {
return shl_char_array_limited(reinterpret_cast<const CharT*>(, N);
template <class C, std::size_t N>
stream_in(lcast::exact<std::array<C, N>> x) noexcept {
return shl_char_array_limited(reinterpret_cast<const CharT*>(, N);
template <class C, class CharTraits>
stream_in(lcast::exact<std::basic_string_view<C, CharTraits>> x) noexcept {
start = reinterpret_cast<const CharT*>(;
finish = start + x.payload.size();
return true;
template <class C, class CharTraits>
stream_in(lcast::exact<boost::basic_string_view<C, CharTraits>> x) noexcept {
start = reinterpret_cast<const CharT*>(;
finish = start + x.payload.size();
return true;
template <class CharT, class Traits>
class ios_src_stream {
typedef detail::lcast::out_stream_t<CharT, Traits> deduced_out_stream_t;
typedef detail::lcast::stringbuffer_t<CharT, Traits> deduced_out_buffer_t;
deduced_out_buffer_t out_buffer;
deduced_out_stream_t out_stream;
const CharT* start = nullptr;
const CharT* finish = nullptr;
ios_src_stream(ios_src_stream&&) = delete;
ios_src_stream(const ios_src_stream&) = delete;
ios_src_stream& operator=(ios_src_stream&&) = delete;
ios_src_stream& operator=(const ios_src_stream&) = delete;
ios_src_stream(): out_buffer(), out_stream(&out_buffer) {}
const CharT* cbegin() const noexcept {
return start;
const CharT* cend() const noexcept {
return finish;
const deduced_out_buffer_t* get_rdbuf() const {
return static_cast<deduced_out_buffer_t*>(
template<typename InputStreamable>
bool shl_input_streamable(InputStreamable& input) {
// If you have compilation error at this point, than your STL library
// does not support such conversions. Try updating it.
static_assert(boost::is_same<char, CharT>::value, "");
try {
bool const result = !(out_stream << input).fail();
const auto* const p = get_rdbuf();
start = p->pbase();
finish = p->pptr();
return result;
} catch (const ::std::ios_base::failure& /*f*/) {
return false;
template <class T>
bool shl_char_array(T const* str_value) {
static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(CharT),
"boost::lexical_cast does not support narrowing of char types."
"Use boost::locale instead" );
return shl_input_streamable(str_value);
template <class T>
bool shl_real(T val) {
const CharT* inf_nan = detail::get_inf_nan(val, CharT());
if (inf_nan) {
start = inf_nan;
finish = start + Traits::length(inf_nan);
return true;
lcast_set_precision(out_stream, &val);
return shl_input_streamable(val);
template <class Type>
typename boost::enable_if_c<boost::detail::is_character<Type>::value && sizeof(char) == sizeof(Type), bool>::type
stream_in(lcast::exact<const Type*> x) { return shl_char_array(reinterpret_cast<char const*>(x.payload)); }
template <class Type>
typename boost::enable_if_c<boost::detail::is_character<Type>::value && sizeof(char) != sizeof(Type), bool>::type
stream_in(lcast::exact<const Type*> x) { return shl_char_array(x.payload); }
bool stream_in(lcast::exact<float> x) { return shl_real(x.payload); }
bool stream_in(lcast::exact<double> x) { return shl_real(x.payload); }
bool stream_in(lcast::exact<long double> x) {
#ifndef __MINGW32__
return shl_real(x.payload);
return shl_real(static_cast<double>(x.payload));
template <class C>
typename boost::enable_if_c<boost::detail::is_character<C>::value, bool>::type
stream_in(lcast::exact<iterator_range<C*>> x) noexcept {
auto buf = boost::conversion::detail::make_buffer_view(x.payload.begin(), x.payload.end());
return stream_in(lcast::exact<decltype(buf)>{buf});
template <class C>
typename boost::enable_if_c<boost::detail::is_character<C>::value, bool>::type
stream_in(lcast::exact<iterator_range<const C*>> x) noexcept {
auto buf = boost::conversion::detail::make_buffer_view(x.payload.begin(), x.payload.end());
return stream_in(lcast::exact<decltype(buf)>{buf});
template <class InStreamable>
bool stream_in(lcast::exact<InStreamable> x) { return shl_input_streamable(x.payload); }
template <class CharT, class Traits>
class to_target_stream {
//`[start, finish)` is the range to output by `operator >>`
const CharT* start;
const CharT* const finish;
to_target_stream(to_target_stream&&) = delete;
to_target_stream(const to_target_stream&) = delete;
to_target_stream& operator=(to_target_stream&&) = delete;
to_target_stream& operator=(const to_target_stream&) = delete;
to_target_stream(const CharT* begin, const CharT* end) noexcept
: start(begin)
, finish(end)
template <typename Type>
#if defined(__clang__) && (__clang_major__ > 3 || __clang_minor__ > 6)
bool shr_unsigned(Type& output) {
if (start == finish) return false;
CharT const minus = lcast_char_constants<CharT>::minus;
CharT const plus = lcast_char_constants<CharT>::plus;
bool const has_minus = Traits::eq(minus, *start);
/* We won`t use `start' any more, so no need in decrementing it after */
if (has_minus || Traits::eq(plus, *start)) {
bool const succeed = lcast_ret_unsigned<Traits, Type, CharT>(output, start, finish).convert();
if (has_minus) {
output = static_cast<Type>(0u - output);
return succeed;
template <typename Type>
#if defined(__clang__) && (__clang_major__ > 3 || __clang_minor__ > 6)
bool shr_signed(Type& output) {
if (start == finish) return false;
CharT const minus = lcast_char_constants<CharT>::minus;
CharT const plus = lcast_char_constants<CharT>::plus;
typedef typename make_unsigned<Type>::type utype;
utype out_tmp = 0;
bool const has_minus = Traits::eq(minus, *start);
/* We won`t use `start' any more, so no need in decrementing it after */
if (has_minus || Traits::eq(plus, *start)) {
bool succeed = lcast_ret_unsigned<Traits, utype, CharT>(out_tmp, start, finish).convert();
if (has_minus) {
utype const comp_val = (static_cast<utype>(1) << std::numeric_limits<Type>::digits);
succeed = succeed && out_tmp<=comp_val;
output = static_cast<Type>(0u - out_tmp);
} else {
utype const comp_val = static_cast<utype>((std::numeric_limits<Type>::max)());
succeed = succeed && out_tmp<=comp_val;
output = static_cast<Type>(out_tmp);
return succeed;
template<typename InputStreamable>
bool shr_using_base_class(InputStreamable& output)
"boost::lexical_cast can not convert to pointers"
static_assert(boost::is_same<char, CharT>::value,
"boost::lexical_cast can not convert, because your STL library does not "
"support such conversions. Try updating it."
std::istrstream stream(start, static_cast<std::istrstream::streamsize>(finish - start));
typedef detail::lcast::buffer_t<CharT, Traits> buffer_t;
buffer_t buf;
// Usually `istream` and `basic_istream` do not modify
// content of buffer; `buffer_t` assures that this is true
buf.setbuf(const_cast<CharT*>(start), static_cast<typename buffer_t::streamsize>(finish - start));
#if defined(BOOST_NO_STD_LOCALE)
std::istream stream(&buf);
std::basic_istream<CharT, Traits> stream(&buf);
try {
lcast_set_precision(stream, static_cast<InputStreamable*>(0));
return (stream >> output)
&& (stream.get() == Traits::eof());
} catch (const ::std::ios_base::failure& /*f*/) {
return false;
template<class T>
inline bool shr_xchar(T& output) noexcept {
static_assert(sizeof(CharT) == sizeof(T),
"boost::lexical_cast does not support narrowing of character types."
"Use boost::locale instead" );
bool const ok = (finish - start == 1);
if (ok) {
CharT out;
Traits::assign(out, *start);
output = static_cast<T>(out);
return ok;
template <std::size_t N, class ArrayT>
bool shr_std_array(ArrayT& output) noexcept {
const std::size_t size = static_cast<std::size_t>(finish - start);
if (size > N - 1) { // `-1` because we need to store \0 at the end
return false;
std::memcpy(&output[0], start, size * sizeof(CharT));
output[size] = Traits::to_char_type(0);
return true;
bool stream_out(unsigned short& output) { return shr_unsigned(output); }
bool stream_out(unsigned int& output) { return shr_unsigned(output); }
bool stream_out(unsigned long int& output) { return shr_unsigned(output); }
bool stream_out(short& output) { return shr_signed(output); }
bool stream_out(int& output) { return shr_signed(output); }
bool stream_out(long int& output) { return shr_signed(output); }
#if defined(BOOST_HAS_LONG_LONG)
bool stream_out(boost::ulong_long_type& output) { return shr_unsigned(output); }
bool stream_out(boost::long_long_type& output) { return shr_signed(output); }
#elif defined(BOOST_HAS_MS_INT64)
bool stream_out(unsigned __int64& output) { return shr_unsigned(output); }
bool stream_out(__int64& output) { return shr_signed(output); }
#ifdef BOOST_HAS_INT128
bool stream_out(boost::uint128_type& output) { return shr_unsigned(output); }
bool stream_out(boost::int128_type& output) { return shr_signed(output); }
bool stream_out(char& output) { return shr_xchar(output); }
bool stream_out(unsigned char& output) { return shr_xchar(output); }
bool stream_out(signed char& output) { return shr_xchar(output); }
bool stream_out(wchar_t& output) { return shr_xchar(output); }
#if !defined(BOOST_NO_CXX11_CHAR16_T) && !defined(BOOST_NO_CXX11_UNICODE_LITERALS)
bool stream_out(char16_t& output) { return shr_xchar(output); }
#if !defined(BOOST_NO_CXX11_CHAR32_T) && !defined(BOOST_NO_CXX11_UNICODE_LITERALS)
bool stream_out(char32_t& output) { return shr_xchar(output); }
template<class CharTraits, class Alloc>
bool stream_out(std::basic_string<CharT,CharTraits,Alloc>& str) {
str.assign(start, finish); return true;
template<class CharTraits, class Alloc>
bool stream_out(boost::container::basic_string<CharT,CharTraits,Alloc>& str) {
str.assign(start, finish); return true;
template <class C, std::size_t N>
bool stream_out(std::array<C, N>& output) noexcept {
static_assert(sizeof(C) == sizeof(CharT), "");
return shr_std_array<N>(output);
template <class C, std::size_t N>
bool stream_out(boost::array<C, N>& output) noexcept {
static_assert(sizeof(C) == sizeof(CharT), "");
return shr_std_array<N>(output);
bool stream_out(bool& output) noexcept {
output = false; // Suppress warning about uninitalized variable
if (start == finish) return false;
CharT const zero = lcast_char_constants<CharT>::zero;
CharT const plus = lcast_char_constants<CharT>::plus;
CharT const minus = lcast_char_constants<CharT>::minus;
const CharT* const dec_finish = finish - 1;
output = Traits::eq(*dec_finish, zero + 1);
if (!output && !Traits::eq(*dec_finish, zero)) {
return false; // Does not ends on '0' or '1'
if (start == dec_finish) return true;
// We may have sign at the beginning
if (Traits::eq(plus, *start) || (Traits::eq(minus, *start) && !output)) {
++ start;
// Skipping zeros
while (start != dec_finish) {
if (!Traits::eq(zero, *start)) {
return false; // Not a zero => error
++ start;
return true;
// Not optimised converter
template <class T>
bool float_types_converter_internal(T& output) {
if (parse_inf_nan(start, finish, output)) return true;
bool const return_value = shr_using_base_class(output);
/* Some compilers and libraries successfully
* parse 'inf', 'INFINITY', '1.0E', '1.0E-'...
* We are trying to provide a unified behaviour,
* so we just forbid such conversions (as some
* of the most popular compilers/libraries do)
* */
CharT const minus = lcast_char_constants<CharT>::minus;
CharT const plus = lcast_char_constants<CharT>::plus;
CharT const capital_e = lcast_char_constants<CharT>::capital_e;
CharT const lowercase_e = lcast_char_constants<CharT>::lowercase_e;
if ( return_value &&
Traits::eq(*(finish-1), lowercase_e) // 1.0e
|| Traits::eq(*(finish-1), capital_e) // 1.0E
|| Traits::eq(*(finish-1), minus) // 1.0e- or 1.0E-
|| Traits::eq(*(finish-1), plus) // 1.0e+ or 1.0E+
) return false;
return return_value;
bool stream_out(float& output) { return float_types_converter_internal(output); }
bool stream_out(double& output) { return float_types_converter_internal(output); }
bool stream_out(long double& output) { return float_types_converter_internal(output); }
// Generic istream-based algorithm.
// lcast_streambuf_for_target<InputStreamable>::value is true.
template <typename InputStreamable>
bool stream_out(InputStreamable& output) {
return shr_using_base_class(output);
}}} // namespace boost::detail::lcast