// Copyright 2018 John Maddock
// Distributed under the Boost
// Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
// LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
#include <boost/math/special_functions/detail/hypergeometric_1F1_bessel.hpp>
#include <boost/math/special_functions/detail/hypergeometric_series.hpp>
#include <boost/math/special_functions/gamma.hpp>
#include <boost/math/special_functions/trunc.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace math { namespace detail {
template <class T>
inline bool is_negative_integer(const T& x)
using std::floor;
return (x <= 0) && (floor(x) == x);
template <class T, class Policy>
struct hypergeometric_1F1_igamma_series
enum{ cache_size = 64 };
typedef T result_type;
hypergeometric_1F1_igamma_series(const T& alpha, const T& delta, const T& x, const Policy& pol)
: delta_poch(-delta), alpha_poch(alpha), x(x), k(0), cache_offset(0), pol(pol)
T log_term = log(x) * -alpha;
log_scaling = lltrunc(log_term - 3 - boost::math::tools::log_min_value<T>() / 50);
term = exp(log_term - log_scaling);
T operator()()
if (k - cache_offset >= cache_size)
cache_offset += cache_size;
T result = term * gamma_cache[k - cache_offset];
term *= delta_poch * alpha_poch / (++k * x);
delta_poch += 1;
alpha_poch += 1;
return result;
void refill_cache()
typedef typename lanczos::lanczos<T, Policy>::type lanczos_type;
gamma_cache[cache_size - 1] = boost::math::gamma_p(alpha_poch + ((int)cache_size - 1), x, pol);
for (int i = cache_size - 1; i > 0; --i)
gamma_cache[i - 1] = gamma_cache[i] >= 1 ? T(1) : T(gamma_cache[i] + regularised_gamma_prefix(T(alpha_poch + (i - 1)), x, pol, lanczos_type()) / (alpha_poch + (i - 1)));
T delta_poch, alpha_poch, x, term;
T gamma_cache[cache_size];
int k;
long long log_scaling;
int cache_offset;
Policy pol;
template <class T, class Policy>
T hypergeometric_1F1_igamma(const T& a, const T& b, const T& x, const T& b_minus_a, const Policy& pol, long long& log_scaling)
if (b_minus_a == 0)
// special case: M(a,a,z) == exp(z)
long long scale = lltrunc(x, pol);
log_scaling += scale;
return exp(x - scale);
hypergeometric_1F1_igamma_series<T, Policy> s(b_minus_a, a - 1, x, pol);
log_scaling += s.log_scaling;
std::uintmax_t max_iter = boost::math::policies::get_max_series_iterations<Policy>();
T result = boost::math::tools::sum_series(s, boost::math::policies::get_epsilon<T, Policy>(), max_iter);
boost::math::policies::check_series_iterations<T>("boost::math::tgamma<%1%>(%1%,%1%)", max_iter, pol);
T log_prefix = x + boost::math::lgamma(b, pol) - boost::math::lgamma(a, pol);
long long scale = lltrunc(log_prefix);
log_scaling += scale;
return result * exp(log_prefix - scale);
template <class T, class Policy>
T hypergeometric_1F1_shift_on_a(T h, const T& a_local, const T& b_local, const T& x, int a_shift, const Policy& pol, long long& log_scaling)
T a = a_local + a_shift;
if (a_shift == 0)
return h;
else if (a_shift > 0)
// Forward recursion on a is stable as long as 2a-b+z > 0.
// If 2a-b+z < 0 then backwards recursion is stable even though
// the function may be strictly increasing with a. Potentially
// we may need to split the recurrence in 2 sections - one using
// forward recursion, and one backwards.
// We will get the next seed value from the ratio
// on b as that's stable and quick to compute.
T crossover_a = (b_local - x) / 2;
int crossover_shift = itrunc(crossover_a - a_local);
if (crossover_shift > 1)
// Forwards recursion will start off unstable, but may switch to the stable direction later.
// Start in the middle and go in both directions:
if (crossover_shift > a_shift)
crossover_shift = a_shift;
crossover_a = a_local + crossover_shift;
boost::math::detail::hypergeometric_1F1_recurrence_b_coefficients<T> b_coef(crossover_a, b_local, x);
std::uintmax_t max_iter = boost::math::policies::get_max_series_iterations<Policy>();
T b_ratio = boost::math::tools::function_ratio_from_backwards_recurrence(b_coef, boost::math::policies::get_epsilon<T, Policy>(), max_iter);
boost::math::policies::check_series_iterations<T>("boost::math::hypergeometric_1F1_large_abz<%1%>(%1%,%1%,%1%)", max_iter, pol);
// Convert to a ratio:
// (1+a-b)M(a, b, z) - aM(a+1, b, z) + (b-1)M(a, b-1, z) = 0
// hence: M(a+1,b,z) = ((1+a-b) / a) M(a,b,z) + ((b-1) / a) M(a,b,z)/b_ratio
T first = 1;
T second = ((1 + crossover_a - b_local) / crossover_a) + ((b_local - 1) / crossover_a) / b_ratio;
// Recurse down to a_local, compare values and re-normalise first and second:
boost::math::detail::hypergeometric_1F1_recurrence_a_coefficients<T> a_coef(crossover_a, b_local, x);
long long backwards_scale = 0;
T comparitor = boost::math::tools::apply_recurrence_relation_backward(a_coef, crossover_shift, second, first, &backwards_scale);
log_scaling -= backwards_scale;
if ((h < 1) && (tools::max_value<T>() * h > comparitor))
// Need to rescale!
long long scale = lltrunc(log(h), pol) + 1;
h *= exp(T(-scale));
log_scaling += scale;
comparitor /= h;
first /= comparitor;
second /= comparitor;
// Now we can recurse forwards for the rest of the range:
if (crossover_shift < a_shift)
boost::math::detail::hypergeometric_1F1_recurrence_a_coefficients<T> a_coef_2(crossover_a + 1, b_local, x);
h = boost::math::tools::apply_recurrence_relation_forward(a_coef_2, a_shift - crossover_shift - 1, first, second, &log_scaling);
h = first;
// Regular case where forwards iteration is stable right from the start:
boost::math::detail::hypergeometric_1F1_recurrence_b_coefficients<T> b_coef(a_local, b_local, x);
std::uintmax_t max_iter = boost::math::policies::get_max_series_iterations<Policy>();
T b_ratio = boost::math::tools::function_ratio_from_backwards_recurrence(b_coef, boost::math::policies::get_epsilon<T, Policy>(), max_iter);
boost::math::policies::check_series_iterations<T>("boost::math::hypergeometric_1F1_large_abz<%1%>(%1%,%1%,%1%)", max_iter, pol);
// Convert to a ratio:
// (1+a-b)M(a, b, z) - aM(a+1, b, z) + (b-1)M(a, b-1, z) = 0
// hence: M(a+1,b,z) = ((1+a-b) / a) M(a,b,z) + ((b-1) / a) M(a,b,z)/b_ratio
T second = ((1 + a_local - b_local) / a_local) * h + ((b_local - 1) / a_local) * h / b_ratio;
boost::math::detail::hypergeometric_1F1_recurrence_a_coefficients<T> a_coef(a_local + 1, b_local, x);
h = boost::math::tools::apply_recurrence_relation_forward(a_coef, --a_shift, h, second, &log_scaling);
// We've calculated h for a larger value of a than we want, and need to recurse down.
// However, only forward iteration is stable, so calculate the ratio, compare values,
// and normalise. Note that we calculate the ratio on b and convert to a since the
// direction is the minimal solution for N->+INF.
// IMPORTANT: this is only currently called for a > b and therefore forwards iteration
// is the only stable direction as we will only iterate down until a ~ b, but we
// will check this with an assert:
BOOST_MATH_ASSERT(2 * a - b_local + x > 0);
boost::math::detail::hypergeometric_1F1_recurrence_b_coefficients<T> b_coef(a, b_local, x);
std::uintmax_t max_iter = boost::math::policies::get_max_series_iterations<Policy>();
T b_ratio = boost::math::tools::function_ratio_from_backwards_recurrence(b_coef, boost::math::policies::get_epsilon<T, Policy>(), max_iter);
boost::math::policies::check_series_iterations<T>("boost::math::hypergeometric_1F1_large_abz<%1%>(%1%,%1%,%1%)", max_iter, pol);
// Convert to a ratio:
// (1+a-b)M(a, b, z) - aM(a+1, b, z) + (b-1)M(a, b-1, z) = 0
// hence: M(a+1,b,z) = (1+a-b) / a M(a,b,z) + (b-1) / a M(a,b,z)/ (M(a,b,z)/M(a,b-1,z))
T first = 1; // arbitrary value;
T second = ((1 + a - b_local) / a) + ((b_local - 1) / a) * (1 / b_ratio);
if (a_shift == -1)
h = h / second;
boost::math::detail::hypergeometric_1F1_recurrence_a_coefficients<T> a_coef(a + 1, b_local, x);
T comparitor = boost::math::tools::apply_recurrence_relation_forward(a_coef, -(a_shift + 1), first, second);
if (boost::math::tools::min_value<T>() * comparitor > h)
// Ooops, need to rescale h:
long long rescale = lltrunc(log(fabs(h)));
T scale = exp(T(-rescale));
h *= scale;
log_scaling += rescale;
h = h / comparitor;
return h;
template <class T, class Policy>
T hypergeometric_1F1_shift_on_b(T h, const T& a, const T& b_local, const T& x, int b_shift, const Policy& pol, long long& log_scaling)
T b = b_local + b_shift;
if (b_shift == 0)
return h;
else if (b_shift > 0)
// We get here for b_shift > 0 when b > z. We can't use forward recursion on b - it's unstable,
// so grab the ratio and work backwards to b - b_shift and normalise.
boost::math::detail::hypergeometric_1F1_recurrence_b_coefficients<T> b_coef(a, b, x);
std::uintmax_t max_iter = boost::math::policies::get_max_series_iterations<Policy>();
T first = 1; // arbitrary value;
T second = 1 / boost::math::tools::function_ratio_from_backwards_recurrence(b_coef, boost::math::policies::get_epsilon<T, Policy>(), max_iter);
boost::math::policies::check_series_iterations<T>("boost::math::hypergeometric_1F1_large_abz<%1%>(%1%,%1%,%1%)", max_iter, pol);
if (b_shift == 1)
h = h / second;
// Reset coefficients and recurse:
boost::math::detail::hypergeometric_1F1_recurrence_b_coefficients<T> b_coef_2(a, b - 1, x);
long long local_scale = 0;
T comparitor = boost::math::tools::apply_recurrence_relation_backward(b_coef_2, --b_shift, first, second, &local_scale);
log_scaling -= local_scale;
if (boost::math::tools::min_value<T>() * comparitor > h)
// Ooops, need to rescale h:
long long rescale = lltrunc(log(fabs(h)));
T scale = exp(T(-rescale));
h *= scale;
log_scaling += rescale;
h = h / comparitor;
T second;
if (a == b_local)
// recurrence is trivial for a == b and method of ratios fails as the c-term goes to zero:
second = -b_local * (1 - b_local - x) * h / (b_local * (b_local - 1));
BOOST_MATH_ASSERT(!is_negative_integer(b - a));
boost::math::detail::hypergeometric_1F1_recurrence_b_coefficients<T> b_coef(a, b_local, x);
std::uintmax_t max_iter = boost::math::policies::get_max_series_iterations<Policy>();
second = h / boost::math::tools::function_ratio_from_backwards_recurrence(b_coef, boost::math::policies::get_epsilon<T, Policy>(), max_iter);
boost::math::policies::check_series_iterations<T>("boost::math::hypergeometric_1F1_large_abz<%1%>(%1%,%1%,%1%)", max_iter, pol);
if (b_shift == -1)
h = second;
boost::math::detail::hypergeometric_1F1_recurrence_b_coefficients<T> b_coef_2(a, b_local - 1, x);
h = boost::math::tools::apply_recurrence_relation_backward(b_coef_2, -(++b_shift), h, second, &log_scaling);
return h;
template <class T, class Policy>
T hypergeometric_1F1_large_igamma(const T& a, const T& b, const T& x, const T& b_minus_a, const Policy& pol, long long& log_scaling)
// We need a < b < z in order to ensure there's at least a chance of convergence,
// we can use recurrence relations to shift forwards on a+b or just a to achieve this,
// for decent accuracy, try to keep 2b - 1 < a < 2b < z
int b_shift = b * 2 < x ? 0 : itrunc(b - x / 2);
int a_shift = a > b - b_shift ? -itrunc(b - b_shift - a - 1) : -itrunc(b - b_shift - a);
if (a_shift < 0)
// Might as well do all the shifting on b as scale a downwards:
b_shift -= a_shift;
a_shift = 0;
T a_local = a - a_shift;
T b_local = b - b_shift;
T b_minus_a_local = (a_shift == 0) && (b_shift == 0) ? b_minus_a : b_local - a_local;
long long local_scaling = 0;
T h = hypergeometric_1F1_igamma(a_local, b_local, x, b_minus_a_local, pol, local_scaling);
log_scaling += local_scaling;
// Apply shifts on a and b as required:
h = hypergeometric_1F1_shift_on_a(h, a_local, b_local, x, a_shift, pol, log_scaling);
h = hypergeometric_1F1_shift_on_b(h, a, b_local, x, b_shift, pol, log_scaling);
return h;
template <class T, class Policy>
T hypergeometric_1F1_large_series(const T& a, const T& b, const T& z, const Policy& pol, long long& log_scaling)
// We make a small, and b > z:
int a_shift(0), b_shift(0);
if (a * z > b)
a_shift = itrunc(a) - 5;
b_shift = b < z ? itrunc(b - z - 1) : 0;
// If a_shift is trivially small, there's really not much point in losing
// accuracy to save a couple of iterations:
if (a_shift < 5)
a_shift = 0;
T a_local = a - a_shift;
T b_local = b - b_shift;
T h = boost::math::detail::hypergeometric_1F1_generic_series(a_local, b_local, z, pol, log_scaling, "hypergeometric_1F1_large_series<%1%>(a,b,z)");
// Apply shifts on a and b as required:
if (a_shift && (a_local == 0))
// Shifting on a via method of ratios in hypergeometric_1F1_shift_on_a fails when
// a_local == 0. However, the value of h calculated was trivial (unity), so
// calculate a second 1F1 for a == 1 and recurse as normal:
long long scale = 0;
T h2 = boost::math::detail::hypergeometric_1F1_generic_series(T(a_local + 1), b_local, z, pol, scale, "hypergeometric_1F1_large_series<%1%>(a,b,z)");
if (scale != log_scaling)
h2 *= exp(T(scale - log_scaling));
boost::math::detail::hypergeometric_1F1_recurrence_a_coefficients<T> coef(a_local + 1, b_local, z);
h = boost::math::tools::apply_recurrence_relation_forward(coef, a_shift - 1, h, h2, &log_scaling);
h = hypergeometric_1F1_shift_on_b(h, a, b_local, z, b_shift, pol, log_scaling);
h = hypergeometric_1F1_shift_on_a(h, a_local, b_local, z, a_shift, pol, log_scaling);
h = hypergeometric_1F1_shift_on_b(h, a, b_local, z, b_shift, pol, log_scaling);
return h;
template <class T, class Policy>
T hypergeometric_1F1_large_13_3_6_series(const T& a, const T& b, const T& z, const Policy& pol, long long& log_scaling)
// A&S 13.3.6 is good only when a ~ b, but isn't too fussy on the size of z.
// So shift b to match a (b shifting seems to be more stable via method of ratios).
int b_shift = itrunc(b - a);
if ((b_shift < 0) && (b - b_shift != a))
b_shift -= 1;
T b_local = b - b_shift;
if ((b_local - a - 0.5 <= 0) && (b_local != a))
// Make sure b_local - a - 0.5 > 0
b_shift -= 1;
b_local += 1;
T h = boost::math::detail::hypergeometric_1F1_AS_13_3_6(a, b_local, z, T(b_local - a), pol, log_scaling);
return hypergeometric_1F1_shift_on_b(h, a, b_local, z, b_shift, pol, log_scaling);
template <class T, class Policy>
T hypergeometric_1F1_large_abz(const T& a, const T& b, const T& z, const Policy& pol, long long& log_scaling)
// This is the selection logic to pick the "best" method.
// We have a,b,z >> 0 and need to compute the approximate cost of each method
// and then select whichever wins out.
enum method
method_series = 0,
// Cost of direct series, is the approx number of terms required until we hit convergence:
T current_cost = (sqrt(16 * z * (3 * a + z) + 9 * b * b - 24 * b * z) - 3 * b + 4 * z) / 6;
method current_method = method_series;
// Cost of shifted series, is the number of recurrences required to move to a zone where
// the series is convergent right from the start.
// Note that recurrence relations fail for very small b, and too many recurrences on a
// will completely destroy all our digits.
// Also note that the method fails when b-a is a negative integer unless b is already
// larger than z and thus does not need shifting.
T cost = a + ((b < z) ? T(z - b) : T(0));
if((b > 1) && (cost < current_cost) && ((b > z) || !is_negative_integer(b-a)))
current_method = method_shifted_series;
current_cost = cost;
// Cost for gamma function method is the number of recurrences required to move it
// into a convergent zone, note that recurrence relations fail for very small b.
// Also add on a fudge factor to account for the fact that this method is both
// more expensive to compute (requires gamma functions), and less accurate than the
// methods above:
T b_shift = fabs(b * 2 < z ? T(0) : T(b - z / 2));
T a_shift = fabs(a > b - b_shift ? T(-(b - b_shift - a - 1)) : T(-(b - b_shift - a)));
cost = 1000 + b_shift + a_shift;
if((b > 1) && (cost <= current_cost))
current_method = method_gamma;
current_cost = cost;
// Cost for bessel approximation is the number of recurrences required to make a ~ b,
// Note that recurrence relations fail for very small b. We also have issue with large
// z: either overflow/numeric instability or else the series goes divergent. We seem to be
// OK for z smaller than log_max_value<Quad> though, maybe we can stretch a little further
// but that's not clear...
// Also need to add on a fudge factor to the cost to account for the fact that we need
// to calculate the Bessel functions, this is not quite as high as the gamma function
// method above as this is generally more accurate and so preferred if the methods are close:
cost = 50 + fabs(b - a);
if((b > 1) && (cost <= current_cost) && (z < tools::log_max_value<T>()) && (z < 11356) && (b - a != 0.5f))
current_method = method_bessel;
current_cost = cost;
switch (current_method)
case method_series:
return detail::hypergeometric_1F1_generic_series(a, b, z, pol, log_scaling, "hypergeometric_1f1_large_abz<%1%>(a,b,z)");
case method_shifted_series:
return detail::hypergeometric_1F1_large_series(a, b, z, pol, log_scaling);
case method_gamma:
return detail::hypergeometric_1F1_large_igamma(a, b, z, T(b - a), pol, log_scaling);
case method_bessel:
return detail::hypergeometric_1F1_large_13_3_6_series(a, b, z, pol, log_scaling);
return 0; // We don't get here!
} } } // namespaces