Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

This is the documentation for a snapshot of the master branch, built from commit 22824efde0.


// Boost.TypeErasure library
// Copyright 2011 Steven Watanabe
// Distributed under the Boost Software License Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// $Id$


#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/add_const.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/remove_cv.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/remove_reference.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/bool.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
#include <boost/type_erasure/detail/access.hpp>
#include <boost/type_erasure/detail/storage.hpp>
#include <boost/type_erasure/is_placeholder.hpp>
#include <boost/type_erasure/concept_of.hpp>

namespace boost {
namespace type_erasure {

template<class Concept, class T>
class any;
template<class Concept>
class binding;


namespace detail {

struct access;


namespace detail {

template<class From, class To>
struct placeholder_conversion : boost::mpl::false_ {};
template<class T>
struct placeholder_conversion<T, T> : boost::mpl::true_ {};
template<class T>
struct placeholder_conversion<T, T&> : boost::mpl::true_ {};
template<class T>
struct placeholder_conversion<T, const T&> : boost::mpl::true_ {};
template<class T>
struct placeholder_conversion<const T, T> : boost::mpl::true_ {};
template<class T>
struct placeholder_conversion<const T, const T&> : boost::mpl::true_ {};
template<class T>
struct placeholder_conversion<T&, T> : boost::mpl::true_ {};
template<class T>
struct placeholder_conversion<T&, T&> : boost::mpl::true_ {};
template<class T>
struct placeholder_conversion<T&, const T&> : boost::mpl::true_ {};
template<class T>
struct placeholder_conversion<const T&, T> : boost::mpl::true_ {};
template<class T>
struct placeholder_conversion<const T&, const T&> : boost::mpl::true_ {};

template<class T>
struct placeholder_conversion<T&&, T> : boost::mpl::true_ {};
template<class T>
struct placeholder_conversion<T&&, const T&> : boost::mpl::true_ {};
template<class T>
struct placeholder_conversion<T&&, T&&> : boost::mpl::true_ {};


 * \brief A wrapper to help with overload resolution for functions
 * operating on an @ref any.
 * The template arguments are interpreted in
 * the same way as @ref any.
 * A parameter of type @ref param can be initialized
 * with an @ref any that has the same @c Concept
 * and base placeholder when there exists a corresponding
 * standard conversion for the placeholder.
 * A conversion sequence from @ref any "any<C, P>" to @ref param "param<C, P1>" is
 * a better conversion sequence than @ref any "any<C, P>" to @ref param "param<C, P2>"
 * iff the corresponding placeholder standard conversion
 * sequence from P to P1 is a better conversion sequence than
 * P to P2.
 * \note Overloading based on cv-qualifiers and rvalue-ness is
 * only supported in C++11.  In C++03, all conversion sequences
 * from @ref any to @ref param have the same rank.
 * Example:
 * \code
 * void f(param<C, _a&>);
 * void f(param<C, const _a&>);
 * void g(param<C, const _a&>);
 * void g(param<C, _a&&>);
 * any<C, _a> a;
 * f(any<C, _a>()); // calls void f(param<C, const _a&>);
 * f(a);            // calls void f(param<C, _a&>); (ambiguous in C++03)
 * g(any<C, _a>()); // calls void g(param<C, _a&&>); (ambiguous in C++03)
 * g(a);            // calls void g(param<C, const _a&>);
 * \endcode
template<class Concept, class T>
class param {

    friend struct boost::type_erasure::detail::access;

    /** INTERNAL ONLY */
    typedef void _boost_type_erasure_is_any;
    /** INTERNAL ONLY */
    typedef param _boost_type_erasure_derived_type;

    template<class U>
    param(any<Concept, U>& a
        , typename boost::enable_if<
            ::boost::type_erasure::detail::placeholder_conversion<U, T>
        >::type* = 0
      : _impl(a)
    template<class U>
    param(const any<Concept, U>& a
        , typename boost::enable_if<
                typename ::boost::add_const<U>::type,
        >::type* = 0
      : _impl(a)
    template<class U>
    param(any<Concept, U>&& a
        , typename boost::enable_if<
        >::type* = 0
      : _impl(std::move(a))

    /** INTERNAL ONLY */
    param(const ::boost::type_erasure::detail::storage& data,
          const ::boost::type_erasure::binding<Concept>& table)
      : _impl(data, table)

    /** Returns the stored @ref any. */
    any<Concept, T> get() const { return _impl; }
    any<Concept, T> _impl;


template<class Concept, class T>
class param<Concept, const T&> {

    friend struct boost::type_erasure::detail::access;

    /** INTERNAL ONLY */
    typedef void _boost_type_erasure_is_any;
    /** INTERNAL ONLY */
    typedef param _boost_type_erasure_derived_type;

    param(const ::boost::type_erasure::detail::storage& data,
          const ::boost::type_erasure::binding<Concept>& table)
      : _impl(data, table)
    template<class U>
    param(U& u, typename boost::enable_if< ::boost::is_same<U, const any<Concept, T> > >::type* = 0) : _impl(u) {}
    any<Concept, const T&> get() const { return _impl; }
    struct _impl_t {
        _impl_t(const ::boost::type_erasure::detail::storage& data_,
              const ::boost::type_erasure::binding<Concept>& table_)
          : table(table_), data(data_)
        _impl_t(const any<Concept, T>& u)
          : table(::boost::type_erasure::detail::access::table(u)),
        // It's safe to capture the table by reference, because
        // the user's argument should out-live us.  storage is
        // just a void*, so we don't need to add indirection.
        const ::boost::type_erasure::binding<Concept>& table;
        ::boost::type_erasure::detail::storage data;
    } _impl;

template<class Concept, class T>
class param<Concept, T&> : public param<Concept, const T&> {

    friend struct boost::type_erasure::detail::access;

    /** INTERNAL ONLY */
    typedef void _boost_type_erasure_is_any;
    /** INTERNAL ONLY */
    typedef param _boost_type_erasure_derived_type;

    param(const ::boost::type_erasure::detail::storage& data,
          const ::boost::type_erasure::binding<Concept>& table)
      : param<Concept, const T&>(data, table)
    any<Concept, T&> get() const
        return any<Concept, T&>(


template<class Concept, class T>
class param<Concept, T&&> : public param<Concept, const T&> {

    friend struct boost::type_erasure::detail::access;

    /** INTERNAL ONLY */
    typedef void _boost_type_erasure_is_any;
    /** INTERNAL ONLY */
    typedef param _boost_type_erasure_derived_type;

    param(const ::boost::type_erasure::detail::storage& data,
          const ::boost::type_erasure::binding<Concept>& table)
      : param<Concept, const T&>(data, table)
    any<Concept, T&&> get() const
        return any<Concept, T&&>(



 * \brief Metafunction that creates a @ref param.
 * If @c T is a (cv/reference qualified) placeholder,
 * returns @ref param<@ref concept_of "concept_of<Any>::type", T>,
 * otherwise, returns T.  This metafunction is intended
 * to be used for function arguments in specializations of
 * @ref concept_interface.
 * \see derived, rebind_any
template<class Any, class T>
struct as_param {
    typedef detail::unspecified type;
    typedef typename ::boost::mpl::if_<
            typename ::boost::remove_cv<
                typename ::boost::remove_reference<T>::type>::type>,
        param<typename ::boost::type_erasure::concept_of<Any>::type, T>,
    >::type type;


template<class Any, class T>
using as_param_t = typename ::boost::type_erasure::as_param<Any, T>::type;


