Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards


// experimental/basic_channel.hpp
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Copyright (c) 2003-2024 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at


#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
# pragma once
#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)

#include <boost/asio/detail/config.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/detail/non_const_lvalue.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/detail/null_mutex.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/execution/executor.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/execution_context.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/experimental/detail/channel_send_functions.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/experimental/detail/channel_service.hpp>

#include <boost/asio/detail/push_options.hpp>

namespace boost {
namespace asio {
namespace experimental {
namespace detail {

} // namespace detail

/// A channel for messages.
 * The basic_channel class template is used for sending messages between
 * different parts of the same application. A <em>message</em> is defined as a
 * collection of arguments to be passed to a completion handler, and the set of
 * messages supported by a channel is specified by its @c Traits and
 * <tt>Signatures...</tt> template parameters. Messages may be sent and received
 * using asynchronous or non-blocking synchronous operations.
 * Unless customising the traits, applications will typically use the @c
 * experimental::channel alias template. For example:
 * @code void send_loop(int i, steady_timer& timer,
 *     channel<void(error_code, int)>& ch)
 * {
 *   if (i < 10)
 *   {
 *     timer.expires_after(chrono::seconds(1));
 *     timer.async_wait(
 *         [i, &timer, &ch](error_code error)
 *         {
 *           if (!error)
 *           {
 *             ch.async_send(error_code(), i,
 *                 [i, &timer, &ch](error_code error)
 *                 {
 *                   if (!error)
 *                   {
 *                     send_loop(i + 1, timer, ch);
 *                   }
 *                 });
 *           }
 *         });
 *   }
 *   else
 *   {
 *     ch.close();
 *   }
 * }
 * void receive_loop(channel<void(error_code, int)>& ch)
 * {
 *   ch.async_receive(
 *       [&ch](error_code error, int i)
 *       {
 *         if (!error)
 *         {
 *           std::cout << "Received " << i << "\n";
 *           receive_loop(ch);
 *         }
 *       });
 * } @endcode
 * @par Thread Safety
 * @e Distinct @e objects: Safe.@n
 * @e Shared @e objects: Unsafe.
 * The basic_channel class template is not thread-safe, and would typically be
 * used for passing messages between application code that runs on the same
 * thread or in the same strand. Consider using @ref basic_concurrent_channel,
 * and its alias template @c experimental::concurrent_channel, to pass messages
 * between code running in different threads.
template <typename Executor, typename Traits, typename... Signatures>
class basic_channel
  : public detail::channel_send_functions<
      basic_channel<Executor, Traits, Signatures...>,
      Executor, Signatures...>
  class initiate_async_send;
  class initiate_async_receive;
  typedef detail::channel_service<boost::asio::detail::null_mutex> service_type;
  typedef typename service_type::template implementation_type<
      Traits, Signatures...>::payload_type payload_type;

  template <typename... PayloadSignatures,
      BOOST_ASIO_COMPLETION_TOKEN_FOR(PayloadSignatures...) CompletionToken>
  auto do_async_receive(
      CompletionToken&& token)
    -> decltype(
        async_initiate<CompletionToken, PayloadSignatures...>(
          declval<initiate_async_receive>(), token))
    return async_initiate<CompletionToken, PayloadSignatures...>(
        initiate_async_receive(this), token);

  /// The type of the executor associated with the channel.
  typedef Executor executor_type;

  /// Rebinds the channel type to another executor.
  template <typename Executor1>
  struct rebind_executor
    /// The channel type when rebound to the specified executor.
    typedef basic_channel<Executor1, Traits, Signatures...> other;

  /// The traits type associated with the channel.
  typedef typename Traits::template rebind<Signatures...>::other traits_type;

  /// Construct a basic_channel.
   * This constructor creates and channel.
   * @param ex The I/O executor that the channel will use, by default, to
   * dispatch handlers for any asynchronous operations performed on the channel.
   * @param max_buffer_size The maximum number of messages that may be buffered
   * in the channel.
  basic_channel(const executor_type& ex, std::size_t max_buffer_size = 0)
    : service_(&boost::asio::use_service<service_type>(
    service_->construct(impl_, max_buffer_size);

  /// Construct and open a basic_channel.
   * This constructor creates and opens a channel.
   * @param context An execution context which provides the I/O executor that
   * the channel will use, by default, to dispatch handlers for any asynchronous
   * operations performed on the channel.
   * @param max_buffer_size The maximum number of messages that may be buffered
   * in the channel.
  template <typename ExecutionContext>
  basic_channel(ExecutionContext& context, std::size_t max_buffer_size = 0,
        is_convertible<ExecutionContext&, execution_context&>::value,
      > = defaulted_constraint())
    : service_(&boost::asio::use_service<service_type>(context)),
    service_->construct(impl_, max_buffer_size);

  /// Move-construct a basic_channel from another.
   * This constructor moves a channel from one object to another.
   * @param other The other basic_channel object from which the move will occur.
   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
   * constructed using the @c basic_channel(const executor_type&) constructor.
  basic_channel(basic_channel&& other)
    : service_(other.service_),
    service_->move_construct(impl_, other.impl_);

  /// Move-assign a basic_channel from another.
   * This assignment operator moves a channel from one object to another.
   * Cancels any outstanding asynchronous operations associated with the target
   * object.
   * @param other The other basic_channel object from which the move will occur.
   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
   * constructed using the @c basic_channel(const executor_type&)
   * constructor.
  basic_channel& operator=(basic_channel&& other)
    if (this != &other)
      service_->move_assign(impl_, *other.service_, other.impl_);
      new (&executor_) executor_type(other.executor_);
      service_ = other.service_;
    return *this;

  // All channels have access to each other's implementations.
  template <typename, typename, typename...>
  friend class basic_channel;

  /// Move-construct a basic_channel from another.
   * This constructor moves a channel from one object to another.
   * @param other The other basic_channel object from which the move will occur.
   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
   * constructed using the @c basic_channel(const executor_type&)
   * constructor.
  template <typename Executor1>
      basic_channel<Executor1, Traits, Signatures...>&& other,
          is_convertible<Executor1, Executor>::value
      > = 0)
    : service_(other.service_),
    service_->move_construct(impl_, other.impl_);

  /// Move-assign a basic_channel from another.
   * This assignment operator moves a channel from one object to another.
   * Cancels any outstanding asynchronous operations associated with the target
   * object.
   * @param other The other basic_channel object from which the move will
   * occur.
   * @note Following the move, the moved-from object is in the same state as if
   * constructed using the @c basic_channel(const executor_type&)
   * constructor.
  template <typename Executor1>
    is_convertible<Executor1, Executor>::value,
  > operator=(basic_channel<Executor1, Traits, Signatures...>&& other)
    if (this != &other)
      service_->move_assign(impl_, *other.service_, other.impl_);
      new (&executor_) executor_type(other.executor_);
      service_ = other.service_;
    return *this;

  /// Destructor.

  /// Get the executor associated with the object.
  const executor_type& get_executor() noexcept
    return executor_;

  /// Get the capacity of the channel's buffer.
  std::size_t capacity() noexcept
    return service_->capacity(impl_);

  /// Determine whether the channel is open.
  bool is_open() const noexcept
    return service_->is_open(impl_);

  /// Reset the channel to its initial state.
  void reset()

  /// Close the channel.
  void close()

  /// Cancel all asynchronous operations waiting on the channel.
   * All outstanding send operations will complete with the error
   * @c boost::asio::experimental::error::channel_cancelled. Outstanding receive
   * operations complete with the result as determined by the channel traits.
  void cancel()

  /// Determine whether a message can be received without blocking.
  bool ready() const noexcept
    return service_->ready(impl_);


  /// Try to send a message without blocking.
   * Fails if the buffer is full and there are no waiting receive operations.
   * @returns @c true on success, @c false on failure.
  template <typename... Args>
  bool try_send(Args&&... args);

  /// Try to send a message without blocking, using dispatch semantics to call
  /// the receive operation's completion handler.
   * Fails if the buffer is full and there are no waiting receive operations.
   * The receive operation's completion handler may be called from inside this
   * function.
   * @returns @c true on success, @c false on failure.
  template <typename... Args>
  bool try_send_via_dispatch(Args&&... args);

  /// Try to send a number of messages without blocking.
   * @returns The number of messages that were sent.
  template <typename... Args>
  std::size_t try_send_n(std::size_t count, Args&&... args);

  /// Try to send a number of messages without blocking, using dispatch
  /// semantics to call the receive operations' completion handlers.
   * The receive operations' completion handlers may be called from inside this
   * function.
   * @returns The number of messages that were sent.
  template <typename... Args>
  std::size_t try_send_n_via_dispatch(std::size_t count, Args&&... args);

  /// Asynchronously send a message.
   * @par Completion Signature
   * @code void(boost::system::error_code) @endcode
  template <typename... Args,
      BOOST_ASIO_COMPLETION_TOKEN_FOR(void (boost::system::error_code))
        CompletionToken BOOST_ASIO_DEFAULT_COMPLETION_TOKEN_TYPE(executor_type)>
  auto async_send(Args&&... args,
      CompletionToken&& token);


  /// Try to receive a message without blocking.
   * Fails if the buffer is full and there are no waiting receive operations.
   * @returns @c true on success, @c false on failure.
  template <typename Handler>
  bool try_receive(Handler&& handler)
    return service_->try_receive(impl_, static_cast<Handler&&>(handler));

  /// Asynchronously receive a message.
   * @par Completion Signature
   * As determined by the <tt>Signatures...</tt> template parameter and the
   * channel traits.
  template <typename CompletionToken
  auto async_receive(
      CompletionToken&& token
    -> decltype(
    return this->do_async_receive(static_cast<payload_type*>(0),

  // Disallow copying and assignment.
  basic_channel(const basic_channel&) = delete;
  basic_channel& operator=(const basic_channel&) = delete;

  template <typename, typename, typename...>
  friend class detail::channel_send_functions;

  // Helper function to get an executor's context.
  template <typename T>
  static execution_context& get_context(const T& t,
      enable_if_t<execution::is_executor<T>::value>* = 0)
    return boost::asio::query(t, execution::context);

  // Helper function to get an executor's context.
  template <typename T>
  static execution_context& get_context(const T& t,
      enable_if_t<!execution::is_executor<T>::value>* = 0)
    return t.context();

  class initiate_async_send
    typedef Executor executor_type;

    explicit initiate_async_send(basic_channel* self)
      : self_(self)

    const executor_type& get_executor() const noexcept
      return self_->get_executor();

    template <typename SendHandler>
    void operator()(SendHandler&& handler,
        payload_type&& payload) const
      boost::asio::detail::non_const_lvalue<SendHandler> handler2(handler);
          handler2.value, self_->get_executor());

    basic_channel* self_;

  class initiate_async_receive
    typedef Executor executor_type;

    explicit initiate_async_receive(basic_channel* self)
      : self_(self)

    const executor_type& get_executor() const noexcept
      return self_->get_executor();

    template <typename ReceiveHandler>
    void operator()(ReceiveHandler&& handler) const
      boost::asio::detail::non_const_lvalue<ReceiveHandler> handler2(handler);
          handler2.value, self_->get_executor());

    basic_channel* self_;

  // The service associated with the I/O object.
  service_type* service_;

  // The underlying implementation of the I/O object.
  typename service_type::template implementation_type<
      Traits, Signatures...> impl_;

  // The associated executor.
  Executor executor_;

} // namespace experimental
} // namespace asio
} // namespace boost

#include <boost/asio/detail/pop_options.hpp>