Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards


  Helper class used by variadic implementation of variadic boost::signals2::signal.

  Author: Frank Mori Hess <>
  Begin: 2009-05-27
// Copyright Frank Mori Hess 2009
// Use, modification and
// distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version
// 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

// For more information, see


#include <boost/mpl/size_t.hpp>
#include <boost/signals2/detail/variadic_arg_type.hpp>

// if compiler has std::tuple use it instead of boost::tuple
// because boost::tuple does not have variadic template support at present.
#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
#define BOOST_SIGNALS2_TUPLE boost::tuple
#define BOOST_SIGNALS2_GET boost::get
#include <tuple>
#define BOOST_SIGNALS2_TUPLE std::tuple
#define BOOST_SIGNALS2_GET std::get

// vc12 seems to erroneously report formal parameters as unreferenced (warning C4100)
// if parameters of variadic template functions are only referenced by calling
// other varadic template functions. silence these warnings:
#if defined(BOOST_MSVC)
#pragma warning(push)
#if  BOOST_MSVC >= 1800
#pragma warning(disable:4100)

namespace boost
  namespace signals2
    namespace detail
      template<unsigned ... values> class unsigned_meta_array {};

      template<typename UnsignedMetaArray, unsigned n> class unsigned_meta_array_appender;

      template<unsigned n, unsigned ... Args>
        class unsigned_meta_array_appender<unsigned_meta_array<Args...>, n>
        typedef unsigned_meta_array<Args..., n> type;

      template<unsigned n> class make_unsigned_meta_array;

      template<> class make_unsigned_meta_array<0>
        typedef unsigned_meta_array<> type;

      template<> class make_unsigned_meta_array<1>
        typedef unsigned_meta_array<0> type;

      template<unsigned n> class make_unsigned_meta_array
        typedef typename unsigned_meta_array_appender<typename make_unsigned_meta_array<n-1>::type, n - 1>::type type;

      template<typename R>
        class call_with_tuple_args
        typedef R result_type;

        template<typename Func, typename ... Args, std::size_t N>
        R operator()(Func &func, const BOOST_SIGNALS2_TUPLE<Args...> & args, mpl::size_t<N>) const
          typedef typename make_unsigned_meta_array<N>::type indices_type;
          return m_invoke<Func>(func, indices_type(), args);
        template<typename Func, unsigned ... indices, typename ... Args>
          R m_invoke(Func &func, unsigned_meta_array<indices...>, const BOOST_SIGNALS2_TUPLE<Args...> & args,
            typename boost::disable_if<boost::is_void<typename Func::result_type> >::type * = 0
          ) const
          return func(BOOST_SIGNALS2_GET<indices>(args)...);
        template<typename Func, unsigned ... indices, typename ... Args>
          R m_invoke(Func &func, unsigned_meta_array<indices...>, const BOOST_SIGNALS2_TUPLE<Args...> & args,
            typename boost::enable_if<boost::is_void<typename Func::result_type> >::type * = 0
          ) const
          return R();
        // This overload is redundant, as it is the same as the previous variadic method when
        // it has zero "indices" or "Args" variadic template parameters.  This overload
        // only exists to quiet some unused parameter warnings
        // on certain compilers (some versions of gcc and msvc)
        template<typename Func>
          R m_invoke(Func &func, unsigned_meta_array<>, const BOOST_SIGNALS2_TUPLE<> &, 
            typename boost::enable_if<boost::is_void<typename Func::result_type> >::type * = 0
          ) const
          return R();

      template<typename R, typename ... Args>
        class variadic_slot_invoker
        typedef R result_type;

        variadic_slot_invoker(Args & ... args): _args(args...)
        template<typename ConnectionBodyType>
          result_type operator ()(const ConnectionBodyType &connectionBody) const
          return call_with_tuple_args<result_type>()(connectionBody->slot().slot_function(), 
            _args, mpl::size_t<sizeof...(Args)>());
        BOOST_SIGNALS2_TUPLE<Args& ...> _args;
    } // namespace detail
  } // namespace signals2
} // namespace boost

#if defined(BOOST_MSVC)
#pragma warning(pop)