...one of the most highly
regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the
— Herb Sutter and Andrei
Alexandrescu, C++
Coding Standards
s have the usual value semantics associated
to copy construction and assignment, i.e. copies of the elements from the source
container are created and inserted into the destination container.
More interestingly, copying also recreates the original order in which
elements are arranged for every index of the container.
This implies that equality of all indices is preserved under copying
or assignment, for those index types where equality is defined. This behavior
can be regarded as a natural extension to the general rule on copy semantics
stating that if y
is a copy of x
, then
Although in most cases multi_index_container
s will be default constructed
(or copied from a preexisting multi_index_container
), sometimes it is
necessary to specify particular values for the internal objects used (key extractors,
comparison predicates, allocator), for instance if some of these objects do not have
a default constructor. The same situation can arise with standard STL containers,
which allow for the optional specification of such objects:
// example of non-default constructed std::set template<typename IntegralType> struct modulo_less { modulo_less(IntegralType m):modulo(m){} bool operator()(IntegralType x,IntegralType y)const { return (x%modulo)<(y%modulo); } private: IntegralType modulo; }; typedef std::set<unsigned int,modulo_less<unsigned int> > modulo_set; modulo_set m(modulo_less<unsigned int>(10));
does also provide this functionality, though in a
considerably more complex fashion, due to the fact that the constructor
of a multi_index_container
has to accept values for all the internal
objects of its indices. The full form of multi_index_container
explicit multi_index_container( const ctor_args_list& args_list=ctor_args_list(), const allocator_type& al=allocator_type());
The specification of the allocator object poses no particular problems;
as for the ctor_args_list
, this object is designed so as to hold
the necessary construction values for every index in the multi_index_container
From the point of view of the user, ctor_args_list
is equivalent
to the type
where I
is the number of indices, and Ci
that is, the nested type ctor_args
of the i
-th index. Each
type is in turn a tuple holding values for constructor
arguments of the associated index: so, ordered indices demand a key extractor object
and a comparison predicate, hashed indices take an initial number of buckets,
a key extractor, a hash function and an equality predicate; while sequenced
and random access indices do not need any construction argument. For instance,
given the definition
typedef multi_index_container< unsigned int, indexed_by< hashed_unique<identity<unsigned int> >, ordered_non_unique<identity<unsigned int>, modulo_less<unsigned int> >, sequenced<>, random_access<> > > modulo_indexed_set;
the corresponding ctor_args_list
type is equivalent to
boost::tuple< // ctr_args of index #0 boost::tuple< std::size_t, // initial number of buckets; 0 if unspecified identity<unsigned int>, boost::hash<unsigned int>, std::equal_to<unsigned int> >, // ctr_args of index #1 boost::tuple< identity<unsigned int>, modulo_less<unsigned int> >, // sequenced indices do not have any construction argument boost::tuple<>, // neither do random access indices boost::tuple<> >
Such a modulo_indexed_set
cannot be default constructed, because
does not provide a default constructor. The following shows
how the construction can be done:
modulo_indexed_set::ctor_args_list args_list= boost::make_tuple( // ctor_args for index #0 is default constructible modulo_indexed_set::nth_index<0>::type::ctor_args(), boost::make_tuple(identity<unsigned int>(),modulo_less<unsigned int>(10)), // these are also default constructible (actually, empty tuples) modulo_indexed_set::nth_index<2>::type::ctor_args(), modulo_indexed_set::nth_index<3>::type::ctor_args() ); modulo_indexed_set m(args_list);
A program is provided in the examples section that puts in practise these concepts.
Boost.MultiIndex allows for a slightly more general class of allocators
than strictly required by the C++ standard, as explained in detail in the
An important type of non-standard allocators supported are those provided by the
Boost Interprocess Library;
this opens up the possibility of placing multi_index_container
in shared memory.
#include <boost/interprocess/allocators/allocator.hpp> #include <boost/interprocess/managed_shared_memory.hpp> namespace bip=boost::interprocess; // a shared memory compatible allocator of ints typedef bip::allocator< int,bip::managed_shared_memory::segment_manager > shared_int_allocator; // define a shared memory compatible multi_index_container // using shared_int_allocator typedef multi_index_container< int, indexed_by< sequenced<>, ordered_unique<identity<int> > >, shared_int_allocator > unique_int_list; ... // create a managed memory segment bip::managed_shared_memory seg( bip::create_only,"SharedMemoryID",65536); // construct a unique_int_list into the segment unique_int_list* puil=seg.construct<unique_int_list> ("UniqueIntListID") // object identifier within the segment // Construction args: first a ctor arg list, then a // shared memory allocator obtained from the segment object. (unique_int_list::ctor_args_list(), unique_int_list::allocator_type(seg.get_segment_manager()));
The examples section includes a program that further explores this capability.
s can be archived and retrieved by means of the
Boost Serialization Library. Both regular
and XML archives are supported. The usage is straightforward and does not
differ from that of any other serializable type. For instance:
#include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp> #include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp> #include <fstream> ... void save(const employee_set& es) { std::ofstream ofs("data"); boost::archive::text_oarchive oa(ofs); oa<<es; } void load(employee_set& es) { std::ifstream ifs("data"); boost::archive::text_iarchive ia(ifs); ia>>es; } ... employee_set es; ... // fill it with data save(es); ... employee_set restored_es; load(restored_es);
Serialization capabilities are automatically provided by just linking with
the appropriate Boost.Serialization library module: it is not necessary
to explicitly include any header from Boost.Serialization,
apart from those declaring the type of archive used in the process. If not used,
however, serialization support can be disabled by globally defining the macro
. Disabling serialization
for Boost.MultiIndex can yield a small improvement in build times, and may
be necessary in those defective compilers that fail to correctly process
Boost.Serialization headers.
In accordance with Boost.MultiIndex
value semantics, retrieving an
archived multi_index_container
restores not only
the elements, but also the order they were arranged into for
every index of the container. There is an exception to this rule,
though: for hashed
indices, no guarantee is made about the order in which elements will
be iterated in the restored container; in general, it is unwise to rely on
the ordering of elements of a hashed index, since it can change in arbitrary
ways during insertion or rehashing --this is precisely the reason why
hashed indices and TR1 unordered associative containers do not define
an equality operator.
Iterators to indices of a multi_index_container
can also be
serialized. Serialization of iterators must be done only after serializing
their corresponding container.
Example 9 in the examples section shows the serialization capabilities of Boost.MultiIndex.
Revised July 17th 2007
© Copyright 2003-2007 Joaquín M López Muñoz. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)