Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

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The async_read_until function is a composed asynchronous operation that reads data into a dynamic buffer sequence, or into a streambuf, until it contains a delimiter, matches a regular expression, or a function object indicates a match.

Start an asynchronous operation to read data into a dynamic buffer sequence until it contains a specified delimiter.

    typename AsyncReadStream,
    typename DynamicBuffer_v1,
    typename ReadHandler = DEFAULT>
DEDUCED async_read_until(
    AsyncReadStream & s,
    DynamicBuffer_v1 && buffers,
    char delim,
    ReadHandler && handler = DEFAULT,
    typename constraint< is_dynamic_buffer_v1< typename decay< DynamicBuffer_v1 >::type >::value >::type  = 0,
    typename constraint< !is_dynamic_buffer_v2< typename decay< DynamicBuffer_v1 >::type >::value >::type  = 0);
  » more...

    typename AsyncReadStream,
    typename DynamicBuffer_v1,
    typename ReadHandler = DEFAULT>
DEDUCED async_read_until(
    AsyncReadStream & s,
    DynamicBuffer_v1 && buffers,
    string_view delim,
    ReadHandler && handler = DEFAULT,
    typename constraint< is_dynamic_buffer_v1< typename decay< DynamicBuffer_v1 >::type >::value >::type  = 0,
    typename constraint< !is_dynamic_buffer_v2< typename decay< DynamicBuffer_v1 >::type >::value >::type  = 0);
  » more...

Start an asynchronous operation to read data into a dynamic buffer sequence until some part of its data matches a regular expression.

    typename AsyncReadStream,
    typename DynamicBuffer_v1,
    typename ReadHandler = DEFAULT>
DEDUCED async_read_until(
    AsyncReadStream & s,
    DynamicBuffer_v1 && buffers,
    const boost::regex & expr,
    ReadHandler && handler = DEFAULT,
    typename constraint< is_dynamic_buffer_v1< typename decay< DynamicBuffer_v1 >::type >::value >::type  = 0,
    typename constraint< !is_dynamic_buffer_v2< typename decay< DynamicBuffer_v1 >::type >::value >::type  = 0);
  » more...

Start an asynchronous operation to read data into a dynamic buffer sequence until a function object indicates a match.

    typename AsyncReadStream,
    typename DynamicBuffer_v1,
    typename MatchCondition,
    typename ReadHandler = DEFAULT>
DEDUCED async_read_until(
    AsyncReadStream & s,
    DynamicBuffer_v1 && buffers,
    MatchCondition match_condition,
    ReadHandler && handler = DEFAULT,
    typename constraint< is_match_condition< MatchCondition >::value >::type  = 0,
    typename constraint< is_dynamic_buffer_v1< typename decay< DynamicBuffer_v1 >::type >::value >::type  = 0,
    typename constraint< !is_dynamic_buffer_v2< typename decay< DynamicBuffer_v1 >::type >::value >::type  = 0);
  » more...

Start an asynchronous operation to read data into a streambuf until it contains a specified delimiter.

    typename AsyncReadStream,
    typename Allocator,
    typename ReadHandler = DEFAULT>
DEDUCED async_read_until(
    AsyncReadStream & s,
    boost::asio::basic_streambuf< Allocator > & b,
    char delim,
    ReadHandler && handler = DEFAULT);
  » more...

    typename AsyncReadStream,
    typename Allocator,
    typename ReadHandler = DEFAULT>
DEDUCED async_read_until(
    AsyncReadStream & s,
    boost::asio::basic_streambuf< Allocator > & b,
    string_view delim,
    ReadHandler && handler = DEFAULT);
  » more...

Start an asynchronous operation to read data into a streambuf until some part of its data matches a regular expression.

    typename AsyncReadStream,
    typename Allocator,
    typename ReadHandler = DEFAULT>
DEDUCED async_read_until(
    AsyncReadStream & s,
    boost::asio::basic_streambuf< Allocator > & b,
    const boost::regex & expr,
    ReadHandler && handler = DEFAULT);
  » more...

Start an asynchronous operation to read data into a streambuf until a function object indicates a match.

    typename AsyncReadStream,
    typename Allocator,
    typename MatchCondition,
    typename ReadHandler = DEFAULT>
DEDUCED async_read_until(
    AsyncReadStream & s,
    boost::asio::basic_streambuf< Allocator > & b,
    MatchCondition match_condition,
    ReadHandler && handler = DEFAULT,
    typename constraint< is_match_condition< MatchCondition >::value >::type  = 0);
  » more...

Start an asynchronous operation to read data into a dynamic buffer sequence until it contains a specified delimiter.

    typename AsyncReadStream,
    typename DynamicBuffer_v2,
    typename ReadHandler = DEFAULT>
DEDUCED async_read_until(
    AsyncReadStream & s,
    DynamicBuffer_v2 buffers,
    char delim,
    ReadHandler && handler = DEFAULT,
    typename constraint< is_dynamic_buffer_v2< DynamicBuffer_v2 >::value >::type  = 0);
  » more...

    typename AsyncReadStream,
    typename DynamicBuffer_v2,
    typename ReadHandler = DEFAULT>
DEDUCED async_read_until(
    AsyncReadStream & s,
    DynamicBuffer_v2 buffers,
    string_view delim,
    ReadHandler && handler = DEFAULT,
    typename constraint< is_dynamic_buffer_v2< DynamicBuffer_v2 >::value >::type  = 0);
  » more...

Start an asynchronous operation to read data into a dynamic buffer sequence until some part of its data matches a regular expression.

    typename AsyncReadStream,
    typename DynamicBuffer_v2,
    typename ReadHandler = DEFAULT>
DEDUCED async_read_until(
    AsyncReadStream & s,
    DynamicBuffer_v2 buffers,
    const boost::regex & expr,
    ReadHandler && handler = DEFAULT,
    typename constraint< is_dynamic_buffer_v2< DynamicBuffer_v2 >::value >::type  = 0);
  » more...

Start an asynchronous operation to read data into a dynamic buffer sequence until a function object indicates a match.

    typename AsyncReadStream,
    typename DynamicBuffer_v2,
    typename MatchCondition,
    typename ReadHandler = DEFAULT>
DEDUCED async_read_until(
    AsyncReadStream & s,
    DynamicBuffer_v2 buffers,
    MatchCondition match_condition,
    ReadHandler && handler = DEFAULT,
    typename constraint< is_match_condition< MatchCondition >::value >::type  = 0,
    typename constraint< is_dynamic_buffer_v2< DynamicBuffer_v2 >::value >::type  = 0);
  » more...

Header: boost/asio/read_until.hpp

Convenience header: boost/asio.hpp
