Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

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Class template bs_set_base_hook



// In header: <boost/intrusive/bs_set_hook.hpp>

template<class ... Options> 
class bs_set_base_hook : public make_bs_set_base_hook::type {
  // construct/copy/destruct
  bs_set_base_hook(const bs_set_base_hook &);
  bs_set_base_hook & operator=(const bs_set_base_hook &);

  // public member functions
  void swap_nodes(bs_set_base_hook &);
  bool is_linked() const;
  void unlink();


Derive a class from bs_set_base_hook in order to store objects in in a bs_set/bs_multiset. bs_set_base_hook holds the data necessary to maintain the bs_set/bs_multiset and provides an appropriate value_traits class for bs_set/bs_multiset.

The hook admits the following options: tag<>, void_pointer<>, link_mode<>.

tag<> defines a tag to identify the node. The same tag value can be used in different classes, but if a class is derived from more than one list_base_hook, then each list_base_hook needs its unique tag.

void_pointer<> is the pointer type that will be used internally in the hook and the container configured to use this hook.

link_mode<> will specify the linking mode of the hook (normal_link, auto_unlink or safe_link).

bs_set_base_hook public construct/copy/destruct

  1. bs_set_base_hook();

    Effects: If link_mode is auto_unlink or safe_link initializes the node to an unlinked state.

    Throws: Nothing.

  2. bs_set_base_hook(const bs_set_base_hook &);

    Effects: If link_mode is auto_unlink or safe_link initializes the node to an unlinked state. The argument is ignored.

    Throws: Nothing.

    Rationale: Providing a copy-constructor makes classes using the hook STL-compliant without forcing the user to do some additional work. swap can be used to emulate move-semantics.

  3. bs_set_base_hook & operator=(const bs_set_base_hook &);

    Effects: Empty function. The argument is ignored.

    Throws: Nothing.

    Rationale: Providing an assignment operator makes classes using the hook STL-compliant without forcing the user to do some additional work. swap can be used to emulate move-semantics.

  4. ~bs_set_base_hook();

    Effects: If link_mode is normal_link, the destructor does nothing (ie. no code is generated). If link_mode is safe_link and the object is stored in a set an assertion is raised. If link_mode is auto_unlink and is_linked() is true, the node is unlinked.

    Throws: Nothing.

bs_set_base_hook public member functions

  1. void swap_nodes(bs_set_base_hook & other);

    Effects: Swapping two nodes swaps the position of the elements related to those nodes in one or two containers. That is, if the node this is part of the element e1, the node x is part of the element e2 and both elements are included in the containers s1 and s2, then after the swap-operation e1 is in s2 at the position of e2 and e2 is in s1 at the position of e1. If one element is not in a container, then after the swap-operation the other element is not in a container. Iterators to e1 and e2 related to those nodes are invalidated.

    Complexity: Constant

    Throws: Nothing.

  2. bool is_linked() const;

    Precondition: link_mode must be safe_link or auto_unlink.

    Returns: true, if the node belongs to a container, false otherwise. This function can be used to test whether set::iterator_to will return a valid iterator.

    Complexity: Constant

  3. void unlink();

    Effects: Removes the node if it's inserted in a container. This function is only allowed if link_mode is auto_unlink.

    Throws: Nothing.
