Boost C++ Libraries of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world. Herb Sutter and Andrei Alexandrescu, C++ Coding Standards

This is the documentation for a snapshot of the master branch, built from commit a9366bf761.


// Copyright John Maddock 2012.
// Copyright Matt Borland 2024.
// Use, modification and distribution are subject to the
// Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt
// or copy at


#include <boost/math/tools/config.hpp>
#include <boost/math/tools/numeric_limits.hpp>
#include <boost/math/tools/precision.hpp>
#include <boost/math/tools/cstdint.hpp>
#include <boost/math/special_functions/math_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/math/special_functions/bessel.hpp>
#include <boost/math/special_functions/cbrt.hpp>
#include <boost/math/special_functions/detail/airy_ai_bi_zero.hpp>
#include <boost/math/tools/roots.hpp>
#include <boost/math/policies/error_handling.hpp>
#include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>

namespace boost{ namespace math{

namespace detail{

template <class T, class Policy>
BOOST_MATH_GPU_ENABLED T airy_ai_imp(T x, const Policy& pol)

   if(x < 0)
      T p = (-x * sqrt(-x) * 2) / 3;
      T v = T(1) / 3;
      T j1 = boost::math::cyl_bessel_j(v, p, pol);
      T j2 = boost::math::cyl_bessel_j(-v, p, pol);
      T ai = sqrt(-x) * (j1 + j2) / 3;
      //T bi = sqrt(-x / 3) * (j2 - j1);
      return ai;
   else if(fabs(x * x * x) / 6 < tools::epsilon<T>())
      T tg = boost::math::tgamma(constants::twothirds<T>(), pol);
      T ai = 1 / (pow(T(3), constants::twothirds<T>()) * tg);
      //T bi = 1 / (sqrt(boost::math::cbrt(T(3))) * tg);
      return ai;
      T p = 2 * x * sqrt(x) / 3;
      T v = T(1) / 3;
      //T j1 = boost::math::cyl_bessel_i(-v, p, pol);
      //T j2 = boost::math::cyl_bessel_i(v, p, pol);
      // Note that although we can calculate ai from j1 and j2, the accuracy is horrible
      // as we're subtracting two very large values, so use the Bessel K relation instead:
      T ai = cyl_bessel_k(v, p, pol) * sqrt(x / 3) / boost::math::constants::pi<T>();  //sqrt(x) * (j1 - j2) / 3;
      //T bi = sqrt(x / 3) * (j1 + j2);
      return ai;

template <class T, class Policy>
BOOST_MATH_GPU_ENABLED T airy_bi_imp(T x, const Policy& pol)

   if(x < 0)
      T p = (-x * sqrt(-x) * 2) / 3;
      T v = T(1) / 3;
      T j1 = boost::math::cyl_bessel_j(v, p, pol);
      T j2 = boost::math::cyl_bessel_j(-v, p, pol);
      //T ai = sqrt(-x) * (j1 + j2) / 3;
      T bi = sqrt(-x / 3) * (j2 - j1);
      return bi;
   else if(fabs(x * x * x) / 6 < tools::epsilon<T>())
      T tg = boost::math::tgamma(constants::twothirds<T>(), pol);
      //T ai = 1 / (pow(T(3), constants::twothirds<T>()) * tg);
      T bi = 1 / (sqrt(boost::math::cbrt(T(3), pol)) * tg);
      return bi;
      T p = 2 * x * sqrt(x) / 3;
      T v = T(1) / 3;
      T j1 = boost::math::cyl_bessel_i(-v, p, pol);
      T j2 = boost::math::cyl_bessel_i(v, p, pol);
      T bi = sqrt(x / 3) * (j1 + j2);
      return bi;

template <class T, class Policy>
BOOST_MATH_GPU_ENABLED T airy_ai_prime_imp(T x, const Policy& pol)

   if(x < 0)
      T p = (-x * sqrt(-x) * 2) / 3;
      T v = T(2) / 3;
      T j1 = boost::math::cyl_bessel_j(v, p, pol);
      T j2 = boost::math::cyl_bessel_j(-v, p, pol);
      T aip = -x * (j1 - j2) / 3;
      return aip;
   else if(fabs(x * x) / 2 < tools::epsilon<T>())
      T tg = boost::math::tgamma(constants::third<T>(), pol);
      T aip = 1 / (boost::math::cbrt(T(3), pol) * tg);
      return -aip;
      T p = 2 * x * sqrt(x) / 3;
      T v = T(2) / 3;
      //T j1 = boost::math::cyl_bessel_i(-v, p, pol);
      //T j2 = boost::math::cyl_bessel_i(v, p, pol);
      // Note that although we can calculate ai from j1 and j2, the accuracy is horrible
      // as we're subtracting two very large values, so use the Bessel K relation instead:
      T aip = -cyl_bessel_k(v, p, pol) * x / (boost::math::constants::root_three<T>() * boost::math::constants::pi<T>());
      return aip;

template <class T, class Policy>
BOOST_MATH_GPU_ENABLED T airy_bi_prime_imp(T x, const Policy& pol)

   if(x < 0)
      T p = (-x * sqrt(-x) * 2) / 3;
      T v = T(2) / 3;
      T j1 = boost::math::cyl_bessel_j(v, p, pol);
      T j2 = boost::math::cyl_bessel_j(-v, p, pol);
      T aip = -x * (j1 + j2) / constants::root_three<T>();
      return aip;
   else if(fabs(x * x) / 2 < tools::epsilon<T>())
      T tg = boost::math::tgamma(constants::third<T>(), pol);
      T bip = sqrt(boost::math::cbrt(T(3), pol)) / tg;
      return bip;
      T p = 2 * x * sqrt(x) / 3;
      T v = T(2) / 3;
      T j1 = boost::math::cyl_bessel_i(-v, p, pol);
      T j2 = boost::math::cyl_bessel_i(v, p, pol);
      T aip = x * (j1 + j2) / boost::math::constants::root_three<T>();
      return aip;

template <class T, class Policy>
BOOST_MATH_GPU_ENABLED T airy_ai_zero_imp(int m, const Policy& pol)
   BOOST_MATH_STD_USING // ADL of std names, needed for log, sqrt.

   // Handle cases when a negative zero (negative rank) is requested.
   if(m < 0)
      return policies::raise_domain_error<T>("boost::math::airy_ai_zero<%1%>(%1%, int)",
         "Requested the %1%'th zero, but the rank must be 1 or more !", static_cast<T>(m), pol);

   // Handle case when the zero'th zero is requested.
   if(m == 0U)
      return policies::raise_domain_error<T>("boost::math::airy_ai_zero<%1%>(%1%,%1%)",
        "The requested rank of the zero is %1%, but must be 1 or more !", static_cast<T>(m), pol);

   // Set up the initial guess for the upcoming root-finding.
   const T guess_root = boost::math::detail::airy_zero::airy_ai_zero_detail::initial_guess<T>(m, pol);

   // Select the maximum allowed iterations based on the number
   // of decimal digits in the numeric type T, being at least 12.
   const int my_digits10 = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(policies::digits<T, Policy>() * 0.301F));

   const std::uintmax_t iterations_allowed = static_cast<std::uintmax_t>((std::max)(12, my_digits10 * 2));

   std::uintmax_t iterations_used = iterations_allowed;

   // Use a dynamic tolerance because the roots get closer the higher m gets.
   T tolerance;  // LCOV_EXCL_LINE

   if     (m <=   10) { tolerance = T(0.3F); }
   else if(m <=  100) { tolerance = T(0.1F); }
   else if(m <= 1000) { tolerance = T(0.05F); }
   else               { tolerance = T(1) / sqrt(T(m)); }

   // Perform the root-finding using Newton-Raphson iteration from Boost.Math.
   const T am =
         boost::math::detail::airy_zero::airy_ai_zero_detail::function_object_ai_and_ai_prime<T, Policy>(pol),
         T(guess_root - tolerance),
         T(guess_root + tolerance),
         policies::digits<T, Policy>(),


   return am;

template <class T, class Policy>
BOOST_MATH_GPU_ENABLED T airy_bi_zero_imp(int m, const Policy& pol)
   BOOST_MATH_STD_USING // ADL of std names, needed for log, sqrt.

   // Handle cases when a negative zero (negative rank) is requested.
   if(m < 0)
      return policies::raise_domain_error<T>("boost::math::airy_bi_zero<%1%>(%1%, int)",
         "Requested the %1%'th zero, but the rank must 1 or more !", static_cast<T>(m), pol);

   // Handle case when the zero'th zero is requested.
   if(m == 0U)
      return policies::raise_domain_error<T>("boost::math::airy_bi_zero<%1%>(%1%,%1%)",
        "The requested rank of the zero is %1%, but must be 1 or more !", static_cast<T>(m), pol);
   // Set up the initial guess for the upcoming root-finding.
   const T guess_root = boost::math::detail::airy_zero::airy_bi_zero_detail::initial_guess<T>(m, pol);

   // Select the maximum allowed iterations based on the number
   // of decimal digits in the numeric type T, being at least 12.
   const int my_digits10 = static_cast<int>(static_cast<float>(policies::digits<T, Policy>() * 0.301F));

   const std::uintmax_t iterations_allowed = static_cast<std::uintmax_t>((std::max)(12, my_digits10 * 2));

   std::uintmax_t iterations_used = iterations_allowed;

   // Use a dynamic tolerance because the roots get closer the higher m gets.
   T tolerance; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE

   if     (m <=   10) { tolerance = T(0.3F); }
   else if(m <=  100) { tolerance = T(0.1F); }
   else if(m <= 1000) { tolerance = T(0.05F); }
   else               { tolerance = T(1) / sqrt(T(m)); }

   // Perform the root-finding using Newton-Raphson iteration from Boost.Math.
   const T bm =
         boost::math::detail::airy_zero::airy_bi_zero_detail::function_object_bi_and_bi_prime<T, Policy>(pol),
         T(guess_root - tolerance),
         T(guess_root + tolerance),
         policies::digits<T, Policy>(),


   return bm;

} // namespace detail

template <class T, class Policy>
BOOST_MATH_GPU_ENABLED inline typename tools::promote_args<T>::type airy_ai(T x, const Policy&)
   typedef typename tools::promote_args<T>::type result_type;
   typedef typename policies::evaluation<result_type, Policy>::type value_type;
   typedef typename policies::normalise<
      policies::assert_undefined<> >::type forwarding_policy;

   return policies::checked_narrowing_cast<result_type, Policy>(detail::airy_ai_imp<value_type>(static_cast<value_type>(x), forwarding_policy()), "boost::math::airy<%1%>(%1%)");

template <class T>
BOOST_MATH_GPU_ENABLED inline typename tools::promote_args<T>::type airy_ai(T x)
   return airy_ai(x, policies::policy<>());

template <class T, class Policy>
BOOST_MATH_GPU_ENABLED inline typename tools::promote_args<T>::type airy_bi(T x, const Policy&)
   typedef typename tools::promote_args<T>::type result_type;
   typedef typename policies::evaluation<result_type, Policy>::type value_type;
   typedef typename policies::normalise<
      policies::assert_undefined<> >::type forwarding_policy;

   return policies::checked_narrowing_cast<result_type, Policy>(detail::airy_bi_imp<value_type>(static_cast<value_type>(x), forwarding_policy()), "boost::math::airy<%1%>(%1%)");

template <class T>
BOOST_MATH_GPU_ENABLED inline typename tools::promote_args<T>::type airy_bi(T x)
   return airy_bi(x, policies::policy<>());

template <class T, class Policy>
BOOST_MATH_GPU_ENABLED inline typename tools::promote_args<T>::type airy_ai_prime(T x, const Policy&)
   typedef typename tools::promote_args<T>::type result_type;
   typedef typename policies::evaluation<result_type, Policy>::type value_type;
   typedef typename policies::normalise<
      policies::assert_undefined<> >::type forwarding_policy;

   return policies::checked_narrowing_cast<result_type, Policy>(detail::airy_ai_prime_imp<value_type>(static_cast<value_type>(x), forwarding_policy()), "boost::math::airy<%1%>(%1%)");

template <class T>
BOOST_MATH_GPU_ENABLED inline typename tools::promote_args<T>::type airy_ai_prime(T x)
   return airy_ai_prime(x, policies::policy<>());

template <class T, class Policy>
BOOST_MATH_GPU_ENABLED inline typename tools::promote_args<T>::type airy_bi_prime(T x, const Policy&)
   typedef typename tools::promote_args<T>::type result_type;
   typedef typename policies::evaluation<result_type, Policy>::type value_type;
   typedef typename policies::normalise<
      policies::assert_undefined<> >::type forwarding_policy;

   return policies::checked_narrowing_cast<result_type, Policy>(detail::airy_bi_prime_imp<value_type>(static_cast<value_type>(x), forwarding_policy()), "boost::math::airy<%1%>(%1%)");

template <class T>
BOOST_MATH_GPU_ENABLED inline typename tools::promote_args<T>::type airy_bi_prime(T x)
   return airy_bi_prime(x, policies::policy<>());

template <class T, class Policy>
BOOST_MATH_GPU_ENABLED inline T airy_ai_zero(int m, const Policy& /*pol*/)
   typedef typename policies::evaluation<T, Policy>::type value_type;
   typedef typename policies::normalise<
      policies::assert_undefined<> >::type forwarding_policy;

   static_assert(    false == std::numeric_limits<T>::is_specialized
                           || (   true  == std::numeric_limits<T>::is_specialized
                               && false == std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer),
                           "Airy value type must be a floating-point type.");

   return policies::checked_narrowing_cast<T, Policy>(detail::airy_ai_zero_imp<value_type>(m, forwarding_policy()), "boost::math::airy_ai_zero<%1%>(unsigned)");

template <class T>
BOOST_MATH_GPU_ENABLED inline T airy_ai_zero(int m)
   return airy_ai_zero<T>(m, policies::policy<>());

template <class T, class OutputIterator, class Policy>
BOOST_MATH_GPU_ENABLED inline OutputIterator airy_ai_zero(
                         int start_index,
                         unsigned number_of_zeros,
                         OutputIterator out_it,
                         const Policy& pol)
   typedef T result_type;

   static_assert(    false == std::numeric_limits<T>::is_specialized
                           || (   true  == std::numeric_limits<T>::is_specialized
                               && false == std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer),
                           "Airy value type must be a floating-point type.");

   for(unsigned i = 0; i < number_of_zeros; ++i)
      *out_it = boost::math::airy_ai_zero<result_type>(start_index + i, pol);
   return out_it;

template <class T, class OutputIterator>
BOOST_MATH_GPU_ENABLED inline OutputIterator airy_ai_zero(
                         int start_index,
                         unsigned number_of_zeros,
                         OutputIterator out_it)
   return airy_ai_zero<T>(start_index, number_of_zeros, out_it, policies::policy<>());

template <class T, class Policy>
BOOST_MATH_GPU_ENABLED inline T airy_bi_zero(int m, const Policy& /*pol*/)
   typedef typename policies::evaluation<T, Policy>::type value_type;
   typedef typename policies::normalise<
      policies::assert_undefined<> >::type forwarding_policy;

   static_assert(    false == std::numeric_limits<T>::is_specialized
                           || (   true  == std::numeric_limits<T>::is_specialized
                               && false == std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer),
                           "Airy value type must be a floating-point type.");

   return policies::checked_narrowing_cast<T, Policy>(detail::airy_bi_zero_imp<value_type>(m, forwarding_policy()), "boost::math::airy_bi_zero<%1%>(unsigned)");

template <typename T>
BOOST_MATH_GPU_ENABLED inline T airy_bi_zero(int m)
   return airy_bi_zero<T>(m, policies::policy<>());

template <class T, class OutputIterator, class Policy>
BOOST_MATH_GPU_ENABLED inline OutputIterator airy_bi_zero(
                         int start_index,
                         unsigned number_of_zeros,
                         OutputIterator out_it,
                         const Policy& pol)
   typedef T result_type;

   static_assert(    false == std::numeric_limits<T>::is_specialized
                           || (   true  == std::numeric_limits<T>::is_specialized
                               && false == std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer),
                           "Airy value type must be a floating-point type.");

   for(unsigned i = 0; i < number_of_zeros; ++i)
      *out_it = boost::math::airy_bi_zero<result_type>(start_index + i, pol);
   return out_it;

template <class T, class OutputIterator>
BOOST_MATH_GPU_ENABLED inline OutputIterator airy_bi_zero(
                         int start_index,
                         unsigned number_of_zeros,
                         OutputIterator out_it)
   return airy_bi_zero<T>(start_index, number_of_zeros, out_it, policies::policy<>());

}} // namespaces